Commission on Justice and Peace Document Archives

A Brief on the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act Review: Submitted to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, House of Commons

Introduction The Sexual Exploitation in Canada Working Group is a subcommittee of The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC), a broad and inclusive ecumenical body representing 26 member churches throughout Canada. Its purpose is to lead a shared church response to sexual exploitation as a justice and human rights issue that primarily affects women and children. […]

Examen de la Loi sur la protection des collectivités et des personnes victimes d’exploitation: Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Chambre des communes

Introduction Le Groupe de travail sur l’exploitation sexuelle au Canada est un sous-comité du Conseil canadien des Églises (CCÉ), vaste organisme œcuménique inclusif qui représente 26 églises membres à travers le Canada. Le groupe de travail a pour but d’inspirer aux églises une réaction commune face à l’exploitation sexuelle, enjeu de justice et de droits […]

Letter to Senator Ataullahjan: Bill S-228

Dear Senator Ataullahjan, Thank you for your service to Canada as a Senator as well as your steadfast work in pushing forward Bill S-228 – An Act to amend the Criminal Code (trafficking in persons). You have our unwavering support. In 2005 Canada amended the Criminal Code by adding sections 279.01 to 279.04 to align […]

Letter to Senator Miville-Dechene: Bill S-216

Dear Senator Miville-Dechene, We are writing to you as the Sexual Exploitation in Canada Working Group, a body of The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC). Its purpose is to lead a shared church response to sexual exploitation, including pornography, as a justice and human rights issue that primarily affects women and children. Thank you for […]

Letter to Senator Miville-Dechene: Bill S-203

Dear Senator Miville-Dechene, Congratulations on your success with the passage of the Bill S-203 through the readings in the Senate and onto the House of Commons. This is a great accomplishment for the benefit of the children of our country, and we are so grateful for all the hard work you and your staff have […]