Charter and Covenant: The Churches and the Struggle for Public Health Care in Canada

Churches have been involved in the provision of health care services in Canada since the mid 17th century. In terms of health care institutions, the Augustines Hospitalières founded the Hôtel-Dieu de Québec in 1639. Many other religious groups comprised especially of religious women and Christian laypersons have been in the forefront of every effort against […]

A Health Care Covenant for All People in Canada

A Health Care Covenant For All People in Canada Through government, we in Canada pledge to: Universal Access, Comprehensiveness and Portability • provide access to comprehensive health care services for individuals, families and communities that places the priority on the worth and dignity of the whole person and their biological, emotional, physical, environmental, social and […]

Letter to Minister Manley: Human Rights and Foreign Trade

Dear Mr. Manley, I am writing to follow-up on your meeting with representatives of the Canadian Council of Churches on July 4, 2001 and propose a new meeting in November 2001. In our letter of July 13 thanking you for making time for the meeting and begin a face-to- face acquaintance with the inter-church human […]