Title | Summary | Date | Tags | Author | Link | hf:doc_categories | hf:doc_tags |
Statement Concerning the Hagia Sophia | On July 10, 2020, Turkey’s Council of State annulled the Turkish Cabinet’s 1934 decision to establish Hagia Sophia as a museum. That same day Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an subsequently ordered the reclassification of Hagia Sophia as a mosque rather than a museum. Hagia Sophia is part of the Historic Areas of Istanbul and is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, has noted her deep regret of the decision and … | 22 July 2020 | Hagia Sophia, interfaith relations, peace and disarmament, peaceful dialogue | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Peter Noteboom), President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Stephen Kendall) | english peace-and-disarmament language theme | hagia-sophia interfaith-relations peace-and-disarmament peaceful-dialogue | |
Peace and Disarmament: Biblical Foundations | The President of The Canadian Council of Churches, the Rev. Dr. Canon Alyson Barnett- Cowan, has articulated the following foundational biblical principles of the Canadian Council of Churches working through Project Ploughshares. The word ‘peace’ appears far more often in the Bible than ‘justice’, ‘righteousness’, ‘grace’ and ‘mercy’. The Bible witnesses to the creation of the world by God who intends that creation reflect the fundamental harmony we call ‘shalom’. We derive our understanding of … | 1 August 2016 | peace and disarmament, right relationships, theological reflection | President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Dr. Alyson Barnett-Cowan) | english peace-and-disarmament language theme | peace-and-disarmament right-relationships theological-reflection | |
(French) Media Release: Nous croyons que Dieu veut la paix sur leurs terres comme sur les nôtres | Le Rapport Manley manque malheureusement l’occasion de guider le Canada vers un rôle vraiment constructif dans l’établissement d’une paix durable en Afghanistan. Le groupe d’experts indépendant sur le rôle futur du Canada en Afghanistan, connu sous le nom de commission Manley, reconnaît que le rôle du Canada dans la lutte contre les insurgés est essentiel à la sécurité mondiale et canadienne. Il recommande que conformément à cette approche, on ajoute tout d’abord aux forces canadiennes … | 24 January 2008 | Afghanistan, peace and disarmament, The Manley Report, war on terror | Executive Director of Project Ploughshares (John Siebert), General Secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches (Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton) | french peace-and-disarmament language theme | afghanistan peace-and-disarmament the-manley-report war-on-terror | |
Media Release: We Believe God Desires Peace in their Land as in Ours | We Believe God Desires Peace in their Land as in Ours The Manley Report, sadly, has missed the opportunity to guide Canada towards a truly constructive role in securing a long term sustainable peace in Afghanistan. The Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan, known as the Manley Panel, accepts the premise that Canada’s role in counter-insurgency combat is key to global and Canadian security. They recommend that this approach be sustained in Kandahar … | 24 January 2008 | Afghanistan, peace and disarmament, The Manley Report, war on terror | Executive Director of Project Ploughshares (John Siebert), General Secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches (Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton) | english peace-and-disarmament language theme | afghanistan peace-and-disarmament the-manley-report war-on-terror | |
Letter to Minister Graham: Foreign Policy Dialogue | Dear Minister Graham, I am pleased to contribute to this foreign policy dialogue on behalf of the Commission on Justice and Peace of the Canadian Council of Churches. Canadian churches have, in many ways, a unique perspective on questions related to foreign policy. Our sister churches around the world inform us of the effects Canadian policies have on their lives. Canadian churches support a variety of initiatives and programs to learn, assist and accompany our … | 30 April 2003 | foreign policy, peace and disarmament, peacebuilding, sustainable economy | Chairperson of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Stephen Allen) | english peace-and-disarmament language theme | foreign-policy peace-and-disarmament peacebuilding sustainable-economy | |
Letter to Members of Parliament: Canada’s Response to Terrorism – An Ecumenical Appeal to Parliament | Dear Member of Parliament, We are writing with regard to the forthcoming Parliamentary debate concerning appropriate Canadian and international responses to the heinous September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States. You and your colleagues in the House of Commons bear the formidable responsibility of guiding our country’s actions in these critical days. We write to support you in those responsibilities and to ask you to consider the following concerns. We believe that a sustained … | 12 October 2001 | Afghanistan, peace and disarmament, September 11, terrorism | Canadian church leaders | english peace-and-disarmament language theme | afghanistan peace-and-disarmament september-11 terrorism | |
Letter to Minister Manley: Human Rights and Foreign Trade | Dear Mr. Manley, I am writing to follow-up on your meeting with representatives of the Canadian Council of Churches on July 4, 2001 and propose a new meeting in November 2001. In our letter of July 13 thanking you for making time for the meeting and begin a face-to- face acquaintance with the inter-church human rights network, Janet Somerville promised that I would be in touch with you to suggest new dates for a next … | 1 October 2001 | human rights, just trade, peace and disarmament, September 11 | Associate Secretary of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Peter Noteboom) | english peace-and-disarmament language theme | human-rights just-trade peace-and-disarmament september-11 | |
Letter to Prime Minister Chrétien: Canada’s Response to September 11 | Dear Prime Minister, First of all we join you, as do all our fellow citizens, in expressing profound sorrow and compassion for all those who died and those who now suffer as a result of the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States. As representatives of a very broad Christian ecumenical community we join with Muslims, Jews, Hindus and many other faith communities who have condemned these acts of terror, confident in the knowledge … | 21 September 2001 | peace and disarmament, September 11, terrorism | Chair of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Rev. Dr. David Pfrimmer), Director of Project Ploughshares (Ernie Regehr), General Secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches (Janet Somerville), President of the Canadian Council of Churches (Most Rev. André Vallée) | english peace-and-disarmament language theme | peace-and-disarmament september-11 terrorism | |
Message from Canadian Church Leaders: Call for Actions in Response to September 11 | To the members of our churches after the tragedy in the United States: Grace to you and peace from our Lord Jesus Christ! We write to you as leaders of Canadian Churches to express our deep compassion for all those who have suffered in the terrorist attacks in the United States. We are part of a common family in which the suffering of so many has affected us all. Throughout the world people of all … | 21 September 2001 | peace and disarmament, September 11, terrorism | Canadian church leaders | english peace-and-disarmament language theme | peace-and-disarmament september-11 terrorism | |
(French) Message from Canadian Church Leaders: Call for Actions in Response to September 11 | Aux membres de nos Églises, à la suite de la tragédie survenue aux États-Unis : Grâce et paix de la part de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ! Nous venons, en tant que dirigeants des Églises du Canada, exprimer notre profonde compassion envers tous ceux et celles qui ont souffert des attaques terroristes dirigées contre les États-Unis. Nous appartenons à une commune famille dont les souffrances de tant de membres nous ont affectés tous. Des personnes de toutes … | 21 September 2001 | peace and disarmament, September 11, terrorism | Canadian church leaders | french peace-and-disarmament language theme | peace-and-disarmament september-11 terrorism |
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