Title | Summary | Date | Tags | Author | Link | hf:doc_categories | hf:doc_tags |
Letter to Prime Minister Trudeau: Gratitude for including Registered Charities in recent COVID-19-related announcements | Dear Prime Minister, We are writing to thank you for the support offered to registered charities through the recent announcements related to the COVID-19 crisis. As numerous studies have shown, Canada’s places of worship provide significant measurable benefits not only to their adherents, but more importantly to all members of their local communities. A Canadian study to be published this year shows that these benefits are about 12 times the total amount of tax concessions … | 24 March 2020 | charitable sector, covid-19 | CEO of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities (Rev. Dr. John Pellowe), General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Peter Noteboom), President of The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (Bruce Clemenger) | english faith-and-sustainable-economy language theme | charitable-sector covid-19 | |
Letter to Prime Minister Harper: Definition of Charitable Activities | Dear Prime Minister Stephen Harper: Many members of Canada’s Christian churches provide generous support for charities across the country and the Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) appreciates the increased recognition of such donations through the tax system. At the same time, questions have been raised regarding the policy framework used to regulate the charitable sector. In particular church members are concerned about the increasingly narrow interpretation of charitable activity that can exclude organizations who speak … | 10 April 2014 | charitable activities, charitable sector, just policies, sustainable economy | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Karen Hamilton) | english faith-and-sustainable-economy language theme | charitable-activities charitable-sector just-policies sustainable-economy | |
Lettre au premier ministre Harper : l’établissement de relations commerciales équitables pour tous | Monsieur le Premier ministre, Nous sommes des représentants d’Églises du Canada et membres de la MESA, une coalition regroupant des organismes religieux du Canada, des États-Unis et du Mexique qui oeuvrent pour un commerce équitable. Nous vous adressons cette lettre à la veille de votre rencontre au sommet, ce mois-ci, avec les présidents Bush et Calderón dans le but de vous encourager à promouvoir des relations de commerce équitables. Nous nous réjouissons que votre gouvernement … | 14 August 2007 | just policies, just trade, Movement for Economic Solidarity in the Americas (MESA), North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), sustainable economy | Chair of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Michael Hogeterp), The Anglican Church of Canada (Maylanne Maybee), The Presbyterian Church in Canada (Stephen Allen), The United Church of Canada (Nelson Rosales) | faith-and-sustainable-economy french theme language | just-policies just-trade mesa nafta sustainable-economy | |
Letter to Prime Minister Harper: Work for Just Trade Relations for All | Dear Prime Minister Harper, We are representatives of Canada’s churches, and members of MESA, a tri-national coalition of religious organizations from Canada, the United States and Mexico working for just trade. We write you in advance of your summit with Presidents Bush and Calderón this August to urge you to use this opportunity to promote just trade relationships. We welcome the renewed commitment that your government has made to strengthening ties with our continental neighbours. … | 14 August 2007 | just policies, just trade, Movement for Economic Solidarity in the Americas (MESA), North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), sustainable economy | Chair of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Michael Hogeterp), The Anglican Church of Canada (Maylanne Maybee), The Presbyterian Church in Canada (Stephen Allen), The United Church of Canada (Nelson Rosales) | english faith-and-sustainable-economy language theme | just-policies just-trade mesa nafta sustainable-economy | |
¿Qué espera Dios de Nosotros? Declaración para un Comercio Justo al Servicio de una Economía de la Vida | PREÁMBULO Esta declaración es producto de una consulta celebrada los días 11-14 de enero de 2004 en Stony Point, Nueva York, Estados Unidos. Nos reunimos como pueblo de Dios proveniente de nuestras iglesias en Canadá, Estados Unidos y México, además de otras regiones del mundo. Reconocemos que nuestros países desempeñan un papel distinto en el contexto de la actual globalización, en términos de poder económico, político y militar. A Dios gracias en Cristo Jesús que … | 1 January 2004 | debt cancellation, economy of life, just trade, sustainable economy | Commission on Justice and Peace | faith-and-sustainable-economy spanish theme language | debt-cancellation economy-of-life just-trade sustainable-economy | |
Qu’est-ce que Dieu demande de nous? Pour un commerce équitable au service d’une économie de la vie | PRÉAMBULE La présente déclaration fait suite à une consultation tenue du 11 au 14 janvier 2004 à Stony Point, New York, USA. Nous y étions réunis en tant que créatures de Dieu venues d’Églises du Canada, des États-Unis, du Mexique et d’autres régions du monde. Nous reconnaissons que nos pays respectifs jouent des rôles différents dans le contexte mondial actuel en fonction de leur puissance économique, politique et militaire. C’est par la grâce de Dieu … | 1 January 2004 | debt cancellation, economy of life, just trade, sustainable economy | Commission on Justice and Peace | faith-and-sustainable-economy french theme language | debt-cancellation economy-of-life just-trade sustainable-economy | |
What Does God Require of Us?: A Declaration for Just Trade in the Service of An Economy Of Life | PREAMBLE This declaration is the result of a consultation held on January 11 – 14, 2004 in Stony Point, New York, USA. We gathered as people of God coming from churches in Canada, the United States and Mexico and also from other regions of the world. We recognize that the countries we come from play different roles in the present global context in terms of their economic, political and military power. By God’s grace in … | 1 January 2004 | debt cancellation, economy of life, just trade, sustainable economy | Commission on Justice and Peace | english faith-and-sustainable-economy language theme | debt-cancellation economy-of-life just-trade sustainable-economy | |
Letter to Minister Pettigrew: Free Trade Agreements with Andean Countries | Dear Minister Pettigrew, I write in response to your request for advice and views on the agreement between Canada and the Andean countries to begin exploratory discussions towards a proposed free trade agreement. I also note that the Government of Canada has agreed to commence similar talks towards a separate agreement with the Dominican Republic. The discussion is important to us because Canadian churches maintain many long-standing relationships with partners and civil society movements in … | 20 December 2002 | Dominican Republic, just free trade, sustainable economy | President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Rev. André Vallée) | english faith-and-sustainable-economy language theme | dominican-republic just-free-trade sustainable-economy | |
8) Letter to Prime Minister Chrétien: World Summit on Sustainable Development | Dear Mr. Prime Minister, We are writing to you on the topic of the World Summit on Sustainable Development. In 1992 and in 1997 we called on the Canadian government to support measures that meet the criteria of providing for flourishing, sustainable communities for all who live in this earth. Today, we repeat both our call for sustainability and sufficiency for all, and our witness to increasing ecological destruction, ever-greater inequality and indebtedness, and a … | 25 August 2002 | sustainable community, sustainable economy, World Summit on Sustainable Development | Chairperson of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Stephen Allen) | english faith-and-sustainable-economy language theme | sustainable-community sustainable-economy world-summit-on-sustainable-development | |
Lettre au premier ministre Chrétien : Un cadre pour des communautés durables | Monsieur le Premier ministre, Les Églises du Canada ont participé à un bon nombre des sommets qui, sous l’égide des Nations unies, s’efforcent de définir l’avenir de la communauté mondiale. Le Sommet mondial sur le développement durable offre un moment idéal pour exprimer nos préoccupations au sujet de la voie intenable dans laquelle s’est engagée la communauté mondiale. On ne peut tout simplement pas maintenir le fardeau excessif imposé aux forêts, aux océans, aux rivières, … | 16 August 2002 | global community, sustainable community, sustainable economy | Chairperson of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Stephen Allen) | faith-and-sustainable-economy french theme language | global-community sustainable-community sustainable-economy | |
Letter to Prime Minister Chrétien: A Framework for Sustainable Communities | Dear Mr. Prime Minister, The Canadian churches have participated in many of the United Nations’ sponsored summits that attempt to define the future of the global community. The World Summit on Sustainable Development provides a key moment to express concern regarding the unsustainable path on which the global community is proceeding. The excessive strain being placed on the world’s forests, oceans, rivers, mountains, wildlife and other life support systems cannot be maintained. The values that … | 16 August 2002 | global community, sustainable community, sustainable economy | Chairperson of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Stephen Allen), Executive Director of KAIROS (Patricia Steenberg) | english faith-and-sustainable-economy language theme | global-community sustainable-community sustainable-economy | |
Letter to the General Secretary of the United Nations: Financing for Development (FDD) | Your Excellency, With hopes and expectations grounded in years of participation in United Nations summits—and rooted before that in the good earth of Christian social ethics—we write as representatives of the Canadian Council of Churches to express several convictions about the Financing for Development (FFD) process. The thinking in this letter is in continuity with work we have done in co-preparing a background report with the World Council of Churches. We have expressed some of … | 27 April 2001 | debt cancellation, Financing for Development (FFD), just trade, poverty, structural inequities, sustainable economy | Janet Somerville (General Secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches), President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Rev. André Vallée) | english faith-and-sustainable-economy language theme | debt-cancellation financing-for-development-ffd just-trade poverty structural-inequities sustainable-economy | |
Carta dos Líderes da Igreja Canadense: a Cúpula das Américas | Excelentíssimos Chefes de Estado e Governo, Caros irmaõs e irmãs da Cimeira das Américas, Como representantes das igrejas do país anfitrião desta Cimeira, calorosamente damo- vos as boasvindas. Igualmente oramos para que as discuções sejam productivas e clarividentes. Tal como milhares dos nossos concidadãos, nós estamos seguros de que, os resultados das vossas discussões terão consequências significantes na vida nas nações americanas. Aproveitamos esta oportunidade para expremir-mos a nossa apreciação pela organização da Cimeira do … | 9 April 2001 | just free trade, Summit of the Americas, sustainable economy | Canadian church leaders | faith-and-sustainable-economy portuguese theme language | just-free-trade summit-of-the-americas sustainable-economy | |
Carta de los líderes de la iglesia canadiense: la Cumbre de las Américas | Señores Jefes de Estado y Gobierno, y a todos los hermanos y hermanas en la Cumbre de las Américas: Como representantes de las iglesias del país anfitrión de esta Cumbre, nos unimos en darles la bienvenida y orar por que sus discusiones se vean iluminadas. Junto con millones de nuestros conciudadanos, estamos conscientes de que sus decisiones tendrán importantes consecuencias para la vida en las Américas. Damos también la bienvenida a los participantes en la … | 9 April 2001 | just free trade, Summit of the Americas, sustainable economy | Canadian church leaders | faith-and-sustainable-economy spanish theme language | just-free-trade summit-of-the-americas sustainable-economy | |
Lettre des dirigeants d’Églises canadiennes : le Sommet des Amériques | Messieurs les chefs d’État et de gouvernement, Chers frères et sœurs présents au Sommet des Amériques, À titre de représentants des Églises du pays hôte du présent Sommet, nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue et prions pour que vos discussions soient éclairées. Tout comme des millions de nos concitoyens, nous savons à quel point ces discussions peuvent influer sur la vie dans les Amériques. Nous souhaitons également la bienvenue aux hommes et aux femmes qui participent … | 9 April 2001 | just free trade, Summit of the Americas, sustainable economy | Canadian church leaders | faith-and-sustainable-economy french theme language | just-free-trade summit-of-the-americas sustainable-economy | |
Letter from Canadian Church Leaders: the Summit of the Americas | Dear Heads of State and Government, and all brothers and sisters at the Summit of the Americas, As representatives of churches from the host country of this Summit, we join in welcoming you and in praying for light on your discussions. With millions of our fellow citizens, we are aware that your decisions will have important consequences for life in the Americas. We welcome also the participants in the Peoples’ Summit and similar alternative events. … | 9 April 2001 | just free trade, Summit of the Americas, sustainable economy | Canadian church leaders | english faith-and-sustainable-economy language theme | just-free-trade summit-of-the-americas sustainable-economy |
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