The purpose of the Commission on Justice and Peace is to provide a forum for Christian churches to:

  • share information and concerns among those involved in ecumenical work on peace and social justice in Canada and the world;
  • reflect biblically and theologically on peace and social justice;
  • facilitate the cooperation of the churches in peace and justice concerns; and
  • assist the Council and its member churches in their advocacy efforts where appropriate.

Principles of Peace

At its May 2018 meeting the Governing Board of the Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) adopted by consensus a Principles of Peace document.
Central to the document is the Biblical image of Shalom: right relationships between God, humanity and all of creation. The document and the process of discernment is itself an act of Peace. It was created through the Council’s forum decision making process that allowed the voices of all of its member denominations to shape and agree on common principles. Through the Commission on Justice and Peace, a writing team brought together input from member denominations and integrated feedback from the Commission on Faith and Witness, the Governing Committee of Project Ploughshares, and other reference groups of the Council.
The Principles of Peace will be a touch stone for the ongoing work of the Canadian Council of Churches and its members, as well as a resource for Christianity in Canada.