Title | Summary | Date | Tags | Author | Link | hf:doc_categories | hf:doc_tags |
Lettre au ministre Lametti: la Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones. | Monsieur le ministre, Nous vous écrivons pour appuyer l’engagement qu’a pris le gouvernement du Canada de faire adopter la loi qui créera un cadre de mise en application de la Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones. La Commission Justice et Paix du Conseil canadien des Églises, avec plusieurs autres communautés croyantes, reconnaît dans la Déclaration un cadre de réconciliation apte à répondre à l’Appel à l’action 48 de la Commission de … | 7 October 2020 | Indigenous reconciliation, reconciliation, systemic racism, Truth and Reconciliation Commission | Chair of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Donna Geernaert SC) | french reconciliation language theme | indigenous-reconciliation reconciliation systemic-racism truth-and-reconciliation-commission | |
Letter to Minister Lametti: United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples | Dear Minister Lametti, We write to express our support for the Government of Canada’s commitment to pass legislation that creates a framework to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Commission on Justice and Peace of the Canadian Council of Churches, along with many other faith communities, has affirmed the Declaration as a framework for reconciliation in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action #48. Further parliamentary … | 7 October 2020 | Indigenous reconciliation, reconciliation, systemic racism, Truth and Reconciliation Commission | Chair of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Donna Geernaert SC) | english reconciliation language theme | indigenous-reconciliation reconciliation systemic-racism truth-and-reconciliation-commission | |
Letter to Andrew Scheer, Leader of the Opposition: Bill C-262 | I am writing regarding Bill C-262 – An Act to ensure that the laws of Canada are in harmony with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Already in 2015 church leaders and faith leaders in Canada called on the Government of Canada to: respond fully to those recommendations directed to government in the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Indian Residential Schools (TRC), including using the United Nations … | 13 June 2019 | Indigenous reconciliation, residential schools, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Peter Noteboom), President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Stephen Kendall) | english reconciliation language theme | indigenous-reconciliation residential-schools undrip | |
Expression de réconciliation du Conseil canadien des Églises | Expression de réconciliation du Conseil canadien des Églises à présenter lors du dernier événement national de la Commission de vérité et de réconciliation du Canada à Edmonton, en Alberta, du 27 au 30 mars … | 27 March 2014 | colonialism, Indigenous reconciliation, racism, residential schools | Canadian church leaders, President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Jim Champ) | french reconciliation language theme | colonialism indigenous-reconciliation racism residential-schools | |
Expression of Reconciliation from The Canadian Council of Churches | Expression of Reconciliation from The Canadian Council of Churches to be presented at the final National Event of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada in Edmonton, Alberta – March 27‐30, … | 27 March 2014 | colonialism, Indigenous reconciliation, racism, residential schools | Canadian church leaders, President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Jim Champ) | english reconciliation language theme | colonialism indigenous-reconciliation racism residential-schools | |
Canadian Council of Churches 1944-1997: Indian Residential Schools and First Nations Affairs | Prepared by Kevin Parra Duque Religion in the Public Sphere Service-Learning Internship, University of … | 1 March 2014 | Indigenous racism, Indigenous reconciliation, racial justice | Kevin Parra Duque (University of Toronto) | english reconciliation language theme | indigenous-racism indigenous-reconciliation racial-justice | |
A Brief to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: Aboriginal Children and Youth – Urgent Needs and Unmet Obligations | The Ad Hoc Coalition on the Rights of Aboriginal Children in Canada On the release of Canada’s Second Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC), and in anticipation of the CRC’s review of Canada’s compliance to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, two national ecumenical coalitions joined with two regional and one national Aboriginal organization to form the Ad Hoc Coalition on the Rights of Aboriginal Children … | 1 September 2003 | Indigenous children’s rights, Indigenous racism, Indigenous reconciliation | First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada, KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, Southern Chiefs’ Organization (Manitoba), The Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nation Chiefs, The Commission on Justice and Peace | english reconciliation language theme | indigenous-childrens-rights indigenous-racism indigenous-reconciliation | |
Call to Reflection: Aboriginal Land Rights – A Jubilee Challenge Facing Canada | In Canada, one particular area in our national life cries out for healing and transformation: now is the time for a change inthe relationship between the majority society and Aboriginal … | 25 September 2000 | Indigenous land claims, Indigenous racism, Indigenous reconciliation, racial justice | Associate Secretary of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Peter Noteboom), Chair of the Commission on Justice and Peace (David Pfrimmer) | english reconciliation language theme | indigenous-land-claims indigenous-racism indigenous-reconciliation racial-justice | |
Letter from Canadian Church Leaders: Right Relationship with Aboriginal Peoples | As we turn our hearts to God in the first year of a new century, as we seek to listen with our hearts to what God is saying in our time and place, we are promised a word — even a world — of peace. It is a glorious promise, challenging us to hope (all our hope, indeed, rests on God’s covenant promise to be faithful to us); and it is set free by our … | 25 September 2000 | Indigenous racism, Indigenous reconciliation, racial justice | Canadian church leaders | english reconciliation language theme | indigenous-racism indigenous-reconciliation racial-justice |
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