Dear Bishop Mina, Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It is with very heavy hearts and on behalf of the 25 member denominations of The Canadian Council of Churches that we write to you at this time of profound grief, loss and horror.

It was with shock that we heard of the massacre of children, women and men at prayer in St. Peter’s Chapel of St. Mark’s Cathedral in Cairo. It was with shock that the world heard of the massacre of those gathered to praise and lift their hearts to the Lord of Life. Such an act of deadly violence is an offense against God and all God’s people. That it should occur during Advent the time when Christians mark the coming of God into our world adds to the grief.

We weep with you, we stand with you, we pray with you. We pray for those whose earthly lives have been lost, their families, the community and those injured who have a time of recovery before them.

We recommit ourselves to the work and witness of the Prince of Peace who calls us all to live not in fear but in accord, harmony and love.

The CCC ‘weeps, stands, and prays’ with Coptic Orthodox brothers and sisters

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File Size: 54 KB
Categories: English
Tags: Cairo - Egypt, peace and disarmament
Author: General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Karen Hamilton), President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Dr. Alyson Barnett-Cowan)