On Earth Day 2019, Christians leaders from across Canada have come together to issue an urgent call to climate action.

Their collective message is clear: the global climate crisis has reached a critical stage and requires an urgent moral and spiritual response.

“In October 2018, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a landmark report indicating that our global community has until 2030 to dramatically change course and avoid serious climate consequences,” says Willard Metzger, Executive Director of Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ). “Now, more than ever, we believe that it is important to amplify our shared laments and shared commitments, as people of faith, to work towards climate justice.”

“Throughout scripture we read of repentance, community, compassion, and renewal: from the Genesis call ‘to work and take care of [the Earth]’ through to the Psalmist’s celebration of ‘God’s handiwork’ and the rejoicing too of the trees; recalling the prophets’ devastation at the destruction of the land, but also the Epistle message of renewal and life eternal,” continues Peter Noteboom, General Secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches. “Ever-present in the Gospels, and central to our faith is Jesus’ resurrection and promise of new life.”

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File Size: 173 KB
Categories: Climate Justice, English
Tags: climate justice, earth day, For the Love of Creation
Author: Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ), KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, The Canadian Council of Churches