“If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.” 1 Corinthians 12: 12-26

Ecumenical Health Care Network

The Ecumenical Health Care Network (EHCN) is a coalition that reflects the perspective of many Churches in Canada in relation to health care. We are part of the Canadian Council of Churches as representatives from the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Salvation Army and United Church of Canada.

Medicare – A Reflection of Values

We believe the system of health care that has evolved in Canada reflects the commitment of most Canadians to a health care system based on such values as caring, collective responsibility, compassion and equity. These are also values that lie at the heart of our Christian faith, and they motivate our commitment to promote Medicare.

The principles of the Canada Health Act call for a collective response to sickness and disease from all Canadians. These principles encompass a set of Canadian values including:

  • public administration of a not-for-profit plan, recognizing the advantages of simplicity and efficiency within a single administration;
  • public administration as a means of ensuring accountability and transparency;
  • health care as a public good, rather than a for-profit market good; it is held in common and available to all;
  • universality – health care needs should be met equitably and efficiently, and require a commitment to social solidarity as a fundamental value;
  • portability – health care is a national program.

But above all, Medicare reflects a commitment that, together, we will share the responsibility for ensuring health care is available to all people in Canada.

In recent years the EHCN has challenged the federal and provincial governments to recommit to these values. It has worked to ensure that compassion for the weak and vulnerable, solidarity with our neighbours, and a commitment to social justice for all remain as the defining features of Medicare.

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File Size: 20 KB
Categories: English, Healthcare
Tags: health policy, healthcare, Medicare, public health
Author: The Ecumenical Health Care Network of The Canadian Council of Churches