Commission on Justice and Peace Document Archives

To the members of our churches after the tragedy in the United States: Grace to you and peace from our Lord Jesus Christ!

We write to you as leaders of Canadian Churches to express our deep compassion for all those who have suffered in the terrorist attacks in the United States. We are part of a common family in which the suffering of so many has affected us all.

Throughout the world people of all nations, races and faith have felt bound together in this tragedy. Muslims, Christians, Jews, Sikhs, Buddhists, Hindus and others have expressed a common condemnation of the actions of the terrorists and a common hope that the world might find a path to reconciliation rather than an increasing cycle of violence. As Christians we believe that there is one God who passionately cares for all the peoples of the world, and who calls us with no less passion to search for a world in which peace and justice prevail.

In the common pursuit of peace, we bring a particular perspective formed by our commitment to following Jesus Christ and by the experience of the Christian church throughout our history. The peace we seek will not be based on conquering others, forcing peoples into submission, hurting the innocent, or ignoring the victims and people marginalized throughout our world. The peace of Christ will take us into paths that lead to reconciliation with God and to reconciliation among peoples through the power of the Spirit of God breaking in among us. It will be a path of justice, equity, and security for all. It is a path we believe God is calling us to in this important moment.

As we join others of good will, we will enter into new territory without a common road map. As Canadians respond to the events of September 11, we call for actions guided by basic values that are consistent with our Christian faith and with our experience in peace-building.

File Type: pdf
File Size: 142 KB
Categories: English, Peace and Disarmament
Tags: peace and disarmament, September 11, terrorism
Author: Canadian church leaders