Commission on Justice and Peace Document Archives

Letter to Minister Mendicino: The US-Canada Safe Third Country Agreement

Dear Minister, In May 2017 the Governing Board of The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) decided to support the effort to challenge the US – Canada Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The CCC decided to join the court challenge because of the experiences of churches as refugee […]

Letter to Minister Bill Blair: The US – Canada Safe Third Country Agreement

Dear Minister, In May 2017 the Governing Board of The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) decided to support the effort to challenge the US – Canada Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The CCC decided to join the court challenge because of the experiences of churches as refugee […]

Statement Concerning the Hagia Sophia

On July 10, 2020, Turkey’s Council of State annulled the Turkish Cabinet’s 1934 decision to establish Hagia Sophia as a museum. That same day Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an subsequently ordered the reclassification of Hagia Sophia as a mosque rather than a museum. Hagia Sophia is part of the Historic Areas of Istanbul and is […]

Déclaration : Engageons-nous de nouveau à reconnaître et à combattre le racisme, la discrimination et les privilèges non mérités

Les événements de ces dernières semaines mettent au jour des relations rompues. Joignez-vous à nous pour condamner le racisme sous toutes ses formes dans nos communautés et dans nos églises. Joignez-vous à nous et engagez-vous à nommer le racisme et à opérer des changements personnels, institutionnels et sociétaux afin que personne ne connaisse la peur, […]

Justice, and Only Justice Shall You Pursue: 2019 Federal Election Guide

“Justice, and only justice, shall you pursue” is the theme of the 2019 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This ancient appeal from the scriptures urges us to be focused on the main things: justice, redemption, right relationships. Include the prisoners, the strangers, and the poor in your community; do not be distracted by empty, […]

Tu rechercheras la justice, rien que la justice : guide pour les élections fédérales 2019

« Tu rechercheras la justice, rien que la justice », tel est le thème de la Semaine de prière pour l’unité chrétienne en 2019. Cet appel qui nous vient de l’Écriture nous presse d’aller à l’essentiel: la justice, la rédemption, les relations équitables. D’inclure dans la communauté les détenus, les étrangers et les pauvres; de […]