Ne vous souciez pas que de vos propres intérêts. Pensez aux autres.: guide pour les élections fédérales 2021

Nous vous invitons à vous joindre au Conseil canadien des Églises (le Conseil) pour vivre un processus démocratique intègre et pacifique. Les élections fédérales sont une occasion pour les croyants de réexaminer les liens entre leur engagement religieux et la vie publique canadienne. La foi peut apporter une vision durable axée sur l’espérance, une perspective […]

Look Not to Your Own Interests but to the Interests of Others: 2021 Election Guide

We invite you to join The Canadian Council of Churches (the Council) in praying for a healthy and peaceful democratic process. Federal elections provide an opportunity for people of faith to reconsider what their faith commitments have to do with Canadian public life. Faith can provide an enduring vision of hope, a penetrating perspective on […]

Justice, and Only Justice Shall You Pursue: 2019 Federal Election Guide

“Justice, and only justice, shall you pursue” is the theme of the 2019 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This ancient appeal from the scriptures urges us to be focused on the main things: justice, redemption, right relationships. Include the prisoners, the strangers, and the poor in your community; do not be distracted by empty, […]

Tu rechercheras la justice, rien que la justice : guide pour les élections fédérales 2019

« Tu rechercheras la justice, rien que la justice », tel est le thème de la Semaine de prière pour l’unité chrétienne en 2019. Cet appel qui nous vient de l’Écriture nous presse d’aller à l’essentiel: la justice, la rédemption, les relations équitables. D’inclure dans la communauté les détenus, les étrangers et les pauvres; de […]

Justice, and Only Justice Shall You Pursue: 2019 Federal Election Guide

“Justice, and only justice, shall you pursue” is the theme of the 2019 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This ancient appeal from the scriptures urges us to be focused on the main things: justice, redemption, right relationships. Include the prisoners, the strangers, and the poor in your community; do not be distracted by empty, […]

Federal Election Resource – 2015

This election resource has been prepared by several ecumenical organizations in Canada to inform and challenge all who are participating in the 2015 federal election. It identifies a range of priority issues, offers sample questions you can ask of candidates, and provides links to resources where you can learn more about these particular issues. We […]

Press Release: Churches Name Election Priorities, Urge Leaders to Act

Media Alert: Churches Name Election Priorities, Urge Leaders to Act The Canadian Council of Churches issued a letter Friday naming their priority election issues. The Council wants strong commitments from federal leaders on anti‐poverty and climate change strategies, as well as serious attention to non‐military efforts in Afghanistan and global nuclear disarmament. For the full […]