Message aux Canadiennes et Canadiens de leaders religieux au Canada au sujet de la pandémie de COVID-19

Les Canadiennes et Canadiens subissent les effets dévastateurs de la COVID-19 dans une crise qui connaît désormais une évolution rapide. Cette crise, c’est bien compréhensible, provoque des sentiments d’angoisse, d’appréhension et de peur. Des dimensions essentielles de notre quotidien font maintenant l’objet d’incertitudes : la santé, l’emploi, la sécurité financière, les loisirs, ainsi que notre […]

A Message to Canadians from Religious Leaders in Canada in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Canadians are experiencing the devastating impact of COVID-19 in what has become a rapidly evolving crisis. Understandably, this crisis has brought about feelings of anxiety, apprehension and fear. Critical elements of our daily lives are being thrown into uncertainty: health, employment, financial security, recreational activities, as well as our ability to gather as worshiping communities. […]

Letter to Minister Ambrose: Canada Health Accord

Dear Minister Ambrose, I am writing to ask about the future of public health care in Canada now that Canada’s Health Accord has not been renewed. The Canadian Council of Churches is the largest ecumenical body in Canada, now representing 25 churches of Anglican, Eastern and Roman Catholic, Evangelical, Free Church, Eastern and Oriental Orthodox, […]

Letter to Churches in the USA

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, Aware of the current passionate debates concerning health care reform in the U.S.A., I write to you today to share some of our experiences and reflections in similar debates that have taken place, and continue to take place, in Canada. While we have been following the American health care […]

Letter to Prime Minister Harper: Global AIDS Pandemic

Dear Prime Minister Harper: In a letter addressed to you earlier this year on May 8, the national leaders of the Canadian Council of Churches expressed their concern about the human impact of the global AIDS pandemic, and urged you to announce several initiatives when the government addressed the UN General Assembly, the G8 Summit […]

Lettre au Premier ministre Harper: la pandémie mondiale du sida

Monsieur le Premier ministre: Dans une lettre qu’ils vous adressaient le 8 mai dernier, les dirigeants nationaux du Conseil canadien des Églises exprimaient leurs inquiétudes au sujet de l’impact humain de la pandémie mondiale du sida et vous demandaient instamment d’annoncer plusieurs initiatives lors de l’intervention du gouvernement à l’assemblée générale des Nations Unies, au […]

Letter to Prime Minister Harper: Followup to May 8th

Dear Prime Minister, I am writing to follow-up on our May 8 church leaders’ letter to you on the subject of HIV/AIDS. Thank you for referring our letter to the Minister for International Cooperation. At a recent meeting of the Governing Board of the Canadian Council of Churches, member churches resolved to strengthen their own […]

Letter to Minister Clement: Health Care Services

Dear Minister Clement, We bring warm greetings to you on behalf of the Ecumenical Health Care Network. Churches have historically played a role in providing health care and members of the Ecumenical Health Care Network continue to be involved in health care. The Ecumenical Health Care Network also contributes to public policy discussions about health […]