Lettre au ministre Wilson-Raybould: Loi sur la protection des collectivités et des personnes victimes d’exploitation

Objet : Loi sur la protection des collectivités et des personnes victimes d’exploitation Madame la Ministre, Nous venons réaffirmer notre position sur la Loi sur la protection des collectivités et des personnes victimes d’exploitation (LPCPVE). Le 15 avril 2014, nous écrivions au ministre de la Justice pour lui faire des recommandations quant à la protection […]

Letter to Minister Wilson-Raybould: Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act

Re: Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act Dear Minister Wilson-Raybould, We write to you to reaffirm our position on the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (PCEPA). On April 15, 2014 we wrote to the Minister of Justice with recommendations for protecting those who are commercially sexually exploited in Canada and preventing vulnerable […]

Background Paper: Recommendations for Prostitution Laws in Canada

According to world renowned psychologist and researcher Melissa Farley, “prostitution is multi- traumatic with extremely high rates of physical and sexual violence perpetrated against people who are vulnerable usually as a result of gender, poverty, previous history of sexual assault, marginalization because of race or ethnicity, or a combination of these factors.” Proponents of legalizing […]