The Health Council of Canada: Fact Sheets on Key Health Care Issues

The need for accountability and transparency The creation of an independent council to inform Canadians on health care matters while promoting accountability and transparency was among the central recommendations of the Romanow Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (November 2002). In September of 2003 the Health Council of Canada was established by […]

Un Conseil national de la santé : Feuilles d’information sur les grandes questions de soins de santé

Pour répondre à l’exigence de responsabilité et de transparence Lors d’audiences tenues à travers le pays, la Commission sur l’avenir des soins de santé au Canada s’est fait constamment répéter que les conflits et la méfiance entre gouvernements étaient devenus de graves obstacles au fonctionnement souple et à la pérennité de l’assurance-maladie. La Commission a […]

Letter to Prime Minister Chrétien: Health Council

Dear Prime Minister Chrétien, We are writing to congratulate you and the First Ministers for having established, through the Health Accord, common ground on which to revive and expand this country’s public health care system. During the course of the Romanow Commission’s public consultations, our Ecumenical Health Care Network presented a brief at the Ottawa […]