Commission on Justice and Peace Document Archives

Letter to Minister Hussen: The Canada-US Safe Third Country Agreement

The Honourable Minister Hussen, There are millions of refugees around the world today. Each displaced person has a story of pain, hardship and sadness; and multiplying this suffering by millions is a tragedy and a crisis. Recently, Canada has seen an increase in the number of refugees entering Canada from the United States via irregular […]

Condolence Letter to Bishop Mina of the Coptic Orthodox Church

Dear Bishop Mina, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It is with very heavy hearts and on behalf of the 25 member denominations of The Canadian Council of Churches that we write to you at this time of profound grief, loss and horror. It was with shock that we heard of the massacre of children, women […]

Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne: Mémoire du Groupe de travail sur la traite de personnes au Canada

Nous saluons les efforts faits récemment par le ministère de la Justice pour affermir la protection des enfants, des femmes et des hommes du Canada contre la violence et l’exploitation, particulièrement l’exploitation sexuelle, et pour criminaliser quiconque profite des autres et les exploite à son avantage personnel. Nous soutenons les mesures prises par cette proposition […]

Letter to Minister McKay: Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act

Re: Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act Dear Minister MacKay, We are writing to welcome the recent efforts of the Department of Justice to strengthen the protection of the rights of children, women, and men to be free from violence and exploitation, specifically sexual exploitation, and to criminalize those who profit from and exploit […]

Letter to Prime Minister Harper: Definition of Charitable Activities

Dear Prime Minister Stephen Harper: Many members of Canada’s Christian churches provide generous support for charities across the country and the Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) appreciates the increased recognition of such donations through the tax system. At the same time, questions have been raised regarding the policy framework used to regulate the charitable sector. […]

Letter to Minister Ambrose: Canada Health Accord

Dear Minister Ambrose, I am writing to ask about the future of public health care in Canada now that Canada’s Health Accord has not been renewed. The Canadian Council of Churches is the largest ecumenical body in Canada, now representing 25 churches of Anglican, Eastern and Roman Catholic, Evangelical, Free Church, Eastern and Oriental Orthodox, […]

Lettre au premier ministre Harper : Appel interconfessionnel au leadership et à l’action sur les changements climatiques

Monsieur le Premier ministre, Permettez-moi de signaler à votre attention un remarquable effort collaboratif interreligieux portant sur le climat. Forts des relations et de l’expérience que leurs a acquises pendant l’organisation d’un sommet des dirigeants religieux en 2010 à l’occasion des réunions du G8 au Canada, des communautés de foi du Canada se sont rassemblées […]