Commission on Justice and Peace Document Archives

Letter to Prime Minister Harper: Definition of Charitable Activities

Dear Prime Minister Stephen Harper: Many members of Canada’s Christian churches provide generous support for charities across the country and the Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) appreciates the increased recognition of such donations through the tax system. At the same time, questions have been raised regarding the policy framework used to regulate the charitable sector. […]

Letter to Prime Minister Harper: Work for Just Trade Relations for All

Dear Prime Minister Harper, We are representatives of Canada’s churches, and members of MESA, a tri-national coalition of religious organizations from Canada, the United States and Mexico working for just trade. We write you in advance of your summit with Presidents Bush and Calderón this August to urge you to use this opportunity to promote […]

Letter to Minister Pettigrew: Free Trade Agreements with Andean Countries

Dear Minister Pettigrew, I write in response to your request for advice and views on the agreement between Canada and the Andean countries to begin exploratory discussions towards a proposed free trade agreement. I also note that the Government of Canada has agreed to commence similar talks towards a separate agreement with the Dominican Republic. […]

8) Letter to Prime Minister Chrétien: World Summit on Sustainable Development

Dear Mr. Prime Minister, We are writing to you on the topic of the World Summit on Sustainable Development. In 1992 and in 1997 we called on the Canadian government to support measures that meet the criteria of providing for flourishing, sustainable communities for all who live in this earth. Today, we repeat both our […]

Lettre au premier ministre Chrétien : Un cadre pour des communautés durables

Monsieur le Premier ministre, Les Églises du Canada ont participé à un bon nombre des sommets qui, sous l’égide des Nations unies, s’efforcent de définir l’avenir de la communauté mondiale. Le Sommet mondial sur le développement durable offre un moment idéal pour exprimer nos préoccupations au sujet de la voie intenable dans laquelle s’est engagée […]