Letter to Governor General Jean: HIV AIDS Pandemic

Excellency: Attached, please find a copy of a recent letter from the Canadian Council of Churches addressed to Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Since this letter represents the combined wisdom of the member churches of the Canadian Council of Churches we thought the content of the letter, responding to the HIV AIDS pandemic, might interest you. […]

Lettre au premier ministre Harper: VIH/SIDA

Monsieur le Premier ministre, En tant que dirigeants nationaux d’Églises canadiennes et membres du Conseil canadien des Églises, nous sommes extrêmement préoccupés par l’impact humain de la pandémie du SIDA. Plus de 40 millions de personnes sont actuellement infectées par le VIH, tandis que l’an dernier, le SIDA faisait plus de 3 millions de victimes. […]

Letter to Prime Minister Harper: HIV/AIDS

Dear Prime Minister Harper: As national leaders of Canadian Churches and members of the Canadian Council of Churches, we are extremely concerned about the human impact of the global AIDS pandemic. Currently more than 40 million people are infected with HIV. Last year, over 3 million people died as a result of AIDS. There are […]

Lettre au premier ministre Harper : Renouvellement des soins de santé

Monsieur le Premier ministre, Nous constatons avec inquiétude que, presque un mois après que le gouvernement de l’Alberta a annoncé sa proposition en 10 points de « Renouvellement des soins de santé », votre gouvernement n’a pas encore exprimé sans équivoque son intention de défendre et de faire respecter la Loi canadienne sur la santé. […]

Letter to Prime Minister Harper: Health Care Renewal

Dear Prime Minister Harper, We are very concerned that almost one month after the Government of Alberta announced its 10 point proposal for “Health Care Renewal” your government has not stated unequivocally your intention to defend and enforce the Canada Health Act. One of the Alberta proposals for renewal would allow physicians to work in […]

Health Care for All: A Public Good, Not a Private Benefit

“If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.” 1 Corinthians 12: 12-26 Ecumenical Health Care Network The Ecumenical Health Care Network (EHCN) is a coalition that reflects the perspective of many Churches in Canada in relation to health care. We are part of the […]

A Health Covenant: Fact Sheets on Key Health Care Issues

The “Moral Enterprise” of Health Care Demands a Covenant The first of 47 recommendations made in the final report of the Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (released on November 28, 2002) urged the federal government to “…establish a new Canadian Health Covenant as a tangible statement of Canadians’ values and a […]

The Health Council of Canada: Fact Sheets on Key Health Care Issues

The need for accountability and transparency The creation of an independent council to inform Canadians on health care matters while promoting accountability and transparency was among the central recommendations of the Romanow Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (November 2002). In September of 2003 the Health Council of Canada was established by […]

Home Care: Fact Sheets on Key Health Care Issues

In its submission to the Romanow Commission, the Ecumenical Health Care Network noted that an increasing number of Canadians are now receiving care at home, and called for the creation of a national home care program. In his final report, Mr. Romanow recommended that the needs of people receiving care in the home be recognized […]