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A Brief on the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act Review: Submitted to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, House of Commons | Introduction The Sexual Exploitation in Canada Working Group is a subcommittee of The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC), a broad and inclusive ecumenical body representing 26 member churches throughout Canada. Its purpose is to lead a shared church response to sexual exploitation as a justice and human rights issue that primarily affects women and children. We affirm the current legislation that strengthens the protection of the rights of children, women and men to be free … | 25 February 2022 | gender equality, Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (PCEPA), sexual exploitation, violence against women | Co-chairs of the Sexual Exploitation Working Group (Diane Dwarka & Deb Stanbury) | english sexual-exploitation language theme | gender-equality pcepa sexual-exploitation violence-against-women | |
Examen de la Loi sur la protection des collectivités et des personnes victimes d’exploitation: Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne, Chambre des communes | Introduction Le Groupe de travail sur l’exploitation sexuelle au Canada est un sous-comité du Conseil canadien des Églises (CCÉ), vaste organisme œcuménique inclusif qui représente 26 églises membres à travers le Canada. Le groupe de travail a pour but d’inspirer aux églises une réaction commune face à l’exploitation sexuelle, enjeu de justice et de droits de la personne qui touche avant tout des femmes et des enfants. Nous approuvons la législation actuelle qui protège mieux … | 25 February 2022 | gender equality, Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (PCEPA), sexual exploitation, violence against women | Co-chairs of the Sexual Exploitation Working Group (Diane Dwarka & Deb Stanbury) | french sexual-exploitation language theme | gender-equality pcepa sexual-exploitation violence-against-women | |
Ne vous souciez pas que de vos propres intérêts. Pensez aux autres.: guide pour les élections fédérales 2021 | Nous vous invitons à vous joindre au Conseil canadien des Églises (le Conseil) pour vivre un processus démocratique intègre et pacifique. Les élections fédérales sont une occasion pour les croyants de réexaminer les liens entre leur engagement religieux et la vie publique canadienne. La foi peut apporter une vision durable axée sur l’espérance, une perspective pénétrante de justice pour tous, et des convictions profondes sur la communauté, le souci des autres, l’amour de la création, … | 13 September 2021 | election priorities, federal election guides | The Canadian Council of Churches | elections french theme language | election-priorities federal-election-guides | |
Look Not to Your Own Interests but to the Interests of Others: 2021 Election Guide | We invite you to join The Canadian Council of Churches (the Council) in praying for a healthy and peaceful democratic process. Federal elections provide an opportunity for people of faith to reconsider what their faith commitments have to do with Canadian public life. Faith can provide an enduring vision of hope, a penetrating perspective on justice for all, and deep convictions about community, care for others, a love for creation, solidarity, and service. We need … | 13 September 2021 | election priorities, federal election guides | The Canadian Council of Churches | english elections language theme | election-priorities federal-election-guides | |
Letter to Senator Ataullahjan: Bill S-228 | Dear Senator Ataullahjan, Thank you for your service to Canada as a Senator as well as your steadfast work in pushing forward Bill S-228 – An Act to amend the Criminal Code (trafficking in persons). You have our unwavering support. In 2005 Canada amended the Criminal Code by adding sections 279.01 to 279.04 to align with the definition of human trafficking articulated in the Palermo Agreement, which Canada signed in 2005. We are in favour … | 23 July 2021 | Bill S-228, human trafficking, sexual exploitation | Co-chairs of the Sexual Exploitation Working Group (Diane Dwarka & Deb Stanbury) | english sexual-exploitation language theme | bill-s-228 human-trafficking sexual-exploitation | |
Letter to Senator Miville-Dechene: Bill S-216 | Dear Senator Miville-Dechene, We are writing to you as the Sexual Exploitation in Canada Working Group, a body of The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC). Its purpose is to lead a shared church response to sexual exploitation, including pornography, as a justice and human rights issue that primarily affects women and children. Thank you for your service to Canada as a Senator and your steadfast work in pushing forward Bill S-216 – An Act to … | 23 July 2021 | Bill S-216, child labour, children's rights, sexual exploitation | Co-chairs of the Sexual Exploitation Working Group (Diane Dwarka & Deb Stanbury) | english sexual-exploitation language theme | bill-s-216 child-labour childrens-rights sexual-exploitation | |
Letter to Senator Miville-Dechene: Bill S-203 | Dear Senator Miville-Dechene, Congratulations on your success with the passage of the Bill S-203 through the readings in the Senate and onto the House of Commons. This is a great accomplishment for the benefit of the children of our country, and we are so grateful for all the hard work you and your staff have generously given to this issue. The Sexual Exploitation in Canada Working Group is a body of The Canadian Council of … | 14 July 2021 | Bill S-203, children's rights, sexual exploitation | Co-chairs of the Sexual Exploitation Working Group (Diane Dwarka & Deb Stanbury) | english sexual-exploitation language theme | bill-s-203 childrens-rights sexual-exploitation | |
Lettre au ministre Lametti: la Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones. | Monsieur le ministre, Nous vous écrivons pour appuyer l’engagement qu’a pris le gouvernement du Canada de faire adopter la loi qui créera un cadre de mise en application de la Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones. La Commission Justice et Paix du Conseil canadien des Églises, avec plusieurs autres communautés croyantes, reconnaît dans la Déclaration un cadre de réconciliation apte à répondre à l’Appel à l’action 48 de la Commission de … | 7 October 2020 | Indigenous reconciliation, reconciliation, systemic racism, Truth and Reconciliation Commission | Chair of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Donna Geernaert SC) | french reconciliation language theme | indigenous-reconciliation reconciliation systemic-racism truth-and-reconciliation-commission | |
Letter to Minister Lametti: United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples | Dear Minister Lametti, We write to express our support for the Government of Canada’s commitment to pass legislation that creates a framework to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Commission on Justice and Peace of the Canadian Council of Churches, along with many other faith communities, has affirmed the Declaration as a framework for reconciliation in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action #48. Further parliamentary … | 7 October 2020 | Indigenous reconciliation, reconciliation, systemic racism, Truth and Reconciliation Commission | Chair of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Donna Geernaert SC) | english reconciliation language theme | indigenous-reconciliation reconciliation systemic-racism truth-and-reconciliation-commission | |
Lettre et note d’information au premier ministre, au vice-premier ministre et aux ministres : L’Entente sur les tiers pays sûrs entre le Canada et les États-Unis | Monsieur le premier ministre, Madame la vice-première ministre, Messieurs les ministres, Nous vous écrivons au sujet de l’arrêt de la Cour fédérale de la semaine dernière, dans lequel la juge Ann Marie McDonald a conclu que l’Entente sur les tiers pays sûrs entre le Canada et les États-Unis (ETPS) viole les droits à la liberté et à la sécurité de la personne prévus à l’article 7 de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés. Son … | 29 July 2020 | refugee rights, Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) | President of the Canadian Council for Refugees (Dorota Blumczynska), President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Stephen Kendall), Secretary General - Amnesty International Canada (Alex Neve) | french refugees language theme | refugee-rights stca | |
Letter and Briefing Note to the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, and Ministers: Canada-US Safe Third Country Agreement | Dear Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Ministers, We write regarding last week’s Federal Court ruling in which Justice Ann Marie McDonald concluded that the Canada/US Safe Third Country Agreement violates liberty and security of the person rights in section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Her judgement is based on extensive and compelling concerns about the prevalence, arbitrariness, and cruel and inhumane conditions associated with immigration detention in the United States, … | 29 July 2020 | refugee rights, Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) | President of the Canadian Council for Refugees (Dorota Blumczynska), President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Stephen Kendall), Secretary General - Amnesty International Canada (Alex Neve) | english refugees language theme | refugee-rights stca | |
Communiqué : Le collectif d’organismes se félicite de la décision de la Cour fédérale qui confirme que le renvoi des demandeurs du statut de réfugiés aux États-Unis enfreint le droit canadien | Le Conseil canadien pour les réfugiés (CCR), Amnistie Internationale (AI) et le Conseil canadien des Églises (CCE) se sont félicités de la décision de la Cour fédérale du Canada qui juge que le renvoi des demandeurs d’asile aux États-Unis en vertu de l’Entente sur les tiers pays sûrs constitue une violation de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés. « Nous avons demandé à la Cour d’examiner les répercussions de l’Entente sur les tiers pays … | 27 July 2020 | refugee rights, Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) | Amnesty International, Canadian Council for Refugees, The Canadian Council of Churches | french refugees language theme | refugee-rights stca | |
Lettre au ministre Mendicino : L’Entente sur les tiers pays sûrs entre le Canada et les États-Unis | Monsieur le Ministre, En mai 2017, le conseil de direction du Conseil canadien des Églises (CCÉ) décidait de soutenir les efforts visant à contester l’Entente sur les tiers pays sûrs entre le Canada et les États-Unis (ETPS) au nom de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés. Si le CCÉ a décidé de se joindre à la contestation judiciaire, c’est en raison de l’expérience des églises en matière de parrainage de réfugiés et aussi parce … | 24 July 2020 | refugee rights, Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Peter Noteboom) | french refugees language theme | refugee-rights stca | |
Letter to Minister Mendicino: The US-Canada Safe Third Country Agreement | Dear Minister, In May 2017 the Governing Board of The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) decided to support the effort to challenge the US – Canada Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The CCC decided to join the court challenge because of the experiences of churches as refugee sponsors and a long history of support for including all people in the basic provisions to respect human rights in … | 24 July 2020 | refugee rights, Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Peter Noteboom) | english refugees language theme | refugee-rights stca | |
Lettre au ministre Bill Blair : L’Entente sur les tiers pays sûrs entre le Canada et les États-Unis | Monsieur le Ministre, En mai 2017, le conseil de direction du Conseil canadien des Églises (CCÉ) décidait de soutenir les efforts visant à contester l’Entente sur les tiers pays sûrs entre le Canada et les États-Unis (ETPS) au nom de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés. Si le CCÉ a décidé de se joindre à la contestation judiciaire, c’est en raison de l’expérience des églises en matière de parrainage de réfugiés et aussi parce … | 24 July 2020 | refugee rights, Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Peter Noteboom) | french refugees language theme | refugee-rights stca | |
Letter to Minister Bill Blair: The US – Canada Safe Third Country Agreement | Dear Minister, In May 2017 the Governing Board of The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) decided to support the effort to challenge the US – Canada Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The CCC decided to join the court challenge because of the experiences of churches as refugee sponsors and a long history of support for including all people in the basic provisions to respect human rights in … | 24 July 2020 | refugee rights, Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Peter Noteboom) | english refugees language theme | refugee-rights stca | |
Media Release: Federal Court Confirms Sending Refugee Claimants Back to the U.S. Breaks Canadian Law | The Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR), Amnesty International (AI) and The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) welcomed today’s Federal Court of Canada ruling that sending refugee claimants back to the US under the Safe Third Country Agreement violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. “We asked the Court to look at the impact of the Safe Third Country Agreement on women, men and children who can’t find safety in the U.S. and to assess … | 22 July 2020 | refugee rights, Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) | Amnesty International, Canadian Council for Refugees, The Canadian Council of Churches | english refugees language theme | refugee-rights stca | |
Statement Concerning the Hagia Sophia | On July 10, 2020, Turkey’s Council of State annulled the Turkish Cabinet’s 1934 decision to establish Hagia Sophia as a museum. That same day Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an subsequently ordered the reclassification of Hagia Sophia as a mosque rather than a museum. Hagia Sophia is part of the Historic Areas of Istanbul and is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, has noted her deep regret of the decision and … | 22 July 2020 | Hagia Sophia, interfaith relations, peace and disarmament, peaceful dialogue | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Peter Noteboom), President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Stephen Kendall) | english peace-and-disarmament language theme | hagia-sophia interfaith-relations peace-and-disarmament peaceful-dialogue | |
Déclaration : Engageons-nous de nouveau à reconnaître et à combattre le racisme, la discrimination et les privilèges non mérités | Les événements de ces dernières semaines mettent au jour des relations rompues. Joignez-vous à nous pour condamner le racisme sous toutes ses formes dans nos communautés et dans nos églises. Joignez-vous à nous et engagez-vous à nommer le racisme et à opérer des changements personnels, institutionnels et sociétaux afin que personne ne connaisse la peur, la haine, l’oppression, la violence ou la marginalisation à cause de la couleur de sa … | 4 June 2020 | discrimination, privilege, racism | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Peter Noteboom), President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Stephen Kendall) | french racism language theme | discrimination privilege racism | |
Statement: A Recommitment to Recognize and Combat Racism, Discrimination, and Unearned Privilege | The events of the past weeks reveal broken relationships. Join us in condemning racism in all its forms and expressions in our communities and in our churches. Join us in committing to name racism and to make personal, institutional, and societal change so that no one experiences fear, hatred, oppression, violence, or marginalization because of the colour of their … | 4 June 2020 | discrimination, privilege, racism | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Peter Noteboom), President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Stephen Kendall) | english racism language theme | discrimination privilege racism | |
Message aux Canadiennes et Canadiens de leaders religieux au Canada au sujet de la pandémie de COVID-19 | Les Canadiennes et Canadiens subissent les effets dévastateurs de la COVID-19 dans une crise qui connaît désormais une évolution rapide. Cette crise, c’est bien compréhensible, provoque des sentiments d’angoisse, d’appréhension et de peur. Des dimensions essentielles de notre quotidien font maintenant l’objet d’incertitudes : la santé, l’emploi, la sécurité financière, les loisirs, ainsi que notre capacité à se rassembler pour prier. Dans ce contexte difficile, en tant que leaders religieux, nous voulons proposer à toutes … | 30 March 2020 | covid-19, health policy, healthcare, public health | Canadian religious leaders | french healthcare language theme | covid-19 health-policy healthcare public-health | |
A Message to Canadians from Religious Leaders in Canada in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic | Canadians are experiencing the devastating impact of COVID-19 in what has become a rapidly evolving crisis. Understandably, this crisis has brought about feelings of anxiety, apprehension and fear. Critical elements of our daily lives are being thrown into uncertainty: health, employment, financial security, recreational activities, as well as our ability to gather as worshiping communities. In view of these difficulties, we as religious leaders wish to bring forward a message of hope, gratitude and solidarity … | 30 March 2020 | covid-19, health policy, healthcare, public health | Canadian religious leaders | english healthcare language theme | covid-19 health-policy healthcare public-health | |
A Time for Pastoral, Prophetic and Practical Christianity: A Joint Statement from the World Council of Churches and Regional Ecumenical Organizations | “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ…who consoles us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to console those who are in any affliction with the consolation with which we ourselves are consoled by God.” (2 Cor. 1:3-4) As representatives of Regional Ecumenical Organizations and the World Council of Churches, we share the challenges that our communities around the world are facing due to the corona- virus, COVID-19. … | 26 March 2020 | covid-19, healthcare, public health | Regional Ecumenical Organizations, World Council of Churches | english healthcare language theme | covid-19 healthcare public-health | |
Letter to Prime Minister Trudeau: Gratitude for including Registered Charities in recent COVID-19-related announcements | Dear Prime Minister, We are writing to thank you for the support offered to registered charities through the recent announcements related to the COVID-19 crisis. As numerous studies have shown, Canada’s places of worship provide significant measurable benefits not only to their adherents, but more importantly to all members of their local communities. A Canadian study to be published this year shows that these benefits are about 12 times the total amount of tax concessions … | 24 March 2020 | charitable sector, covid-19 | CEO of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities (Rev. Dr. John Pellowe), General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Peter Noteboom), President of The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (Bruce Clemenger) | english faith-and-sustainable-economy language theme | charitable-sector covid-19 | |
A CALL FOR COMPASSION AND COMMUNITY: A Statement from The Canadian Council of Churches on COVID-19 | Today the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak (the new coronavirus) to be a global pandemic. In this situation as in others, The Canadian Council of Churches seeks to respond to Christ’s call for both compassion and community. We appeal to our member churches and other faith communities across Canada to respond to COVID-19 with an abundance of love and precaution, and to follow best practices as recommended by both federal and provincial medical … | 11 March 2020 | covid-19, health policy, healthcare, public health | President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Stephen Kendall) | english healthcare language theme | covid-19 health-policy healthcare public-health | |
Justice, and Only Justice Shall You Pursue: 2019 Federal Election Guide | “Justice, and only justice, shall you pursue” is the theme of the 2019 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This ancient appeal from the scriptures urges us to be focused on the main things: justice, redemption, right relationships. Include the prisoners, the strangers, and the poor in your community; do not be distracted by empty, symbolic actions or hollow promises. Federal elections provide an opportunity for people of faith to reconsider what their faith commitments … | 10 September 2019 | election priorities, federal election guides | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Peter Noteboom), President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Stephen Kendall) | english elections language theme | election-priorities federal-election-guides | |
Tu rechercheras la justice, rien que la justice : guide pour les élections fédérales 2019 | « Tu rechercheras la justice, rien que la justice », tel est le thème de la Semaine de prière pour l’unité chrétienne en 2019. Cet appel qui nous vient de l’Écriture nous presse d’aller à l’essentiel: la justice, la rédemption, les relations équitables. D’inclure dans la communauté les détenus, les étrangers et les pauvres; de ne pas nous laisser distraire par des gestes spectaculaires ou des promesses creuses. Les élections fédérales donnent aux croyantes et … | 10 September 2019 | election priorities, federal election guides | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Peter Noteboom), President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Stephen Kendall) | elections french theme language | election-priorities federal-election-guides | |
Justice, and Only Justice Shall You Pursue: 2019 Federal Election Guide | “Justice, and only justice, shall you pursue” is the theme of the 2019 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This ancient appeal from the scriptures urges us to be focused on the main things: justice, redemption, right relationships. Include the prisoners, the strangers, and the poor in your community; do not be distracted by empty, symbolic actions or hollow promises. Federal elections provide an opportunity for people of faith to reconsider what their faith commitments … | 10 September 2019 | election priorities, federal election guides | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Peter Noteboom), President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Stephen Kendall) | english language | election-priorities federal-election-guides | |
Letter to Andrew Scheer, Leader of the Opposition: Bill C-262 | I am writing regarding Bill C-262 – An Act to ensure that the laws of Canada are in harmony with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Already in 2015 church leaders and faith leaders in Canada called on the Government of Canada to: respond fully to those recommendations directed to government in the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Indian Residential Schools (TRC), including using the United Nations … | 13 June 2019 | Indigenous reconciliation, residential schools, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Peter Noteboom), President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Stephen Kendall) | english reconciliation language theme | indigenous-reconciliation residential-schools undrip | |
Earth Day 2019: Canadian faith leaders issue urgent plea for climate action | On Earth Day 2019, Christians leaders from across Canada have come together to issue an urgent call to climate action. Their collective message is clear: the global climate crisis has reached a critical stage and requires an urgent moral and spiritual response. “In October 2018, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a landmark report indicating that our global community has until 2030 to dramatically change course and avoid serious climate consequences,” says … | 18 April 2019 | climate justice, earth day, For the Love of Creation | Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ), KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, The Canadian Council of Churches | climate-justice english theme language | climate-justice earth-day for-the-love-of-creation | |
Jour de la Terre 2019 : Les leaders religieux canadiens lancent un appel urgent à l’action en matière de climat | Territoire du Peuple autochtone algonquin [OTTAWA]/ Territoire des Peuples autochtones Huron-Wendat, Seneca, Petun et Mississaugas de Credit [TORONTO] non cédés (18 avril 2019) – À l’occasion de la Journée de la Terre 2019, des leaders chrétiens de tout le Canada ont uni leurs voix pour lancer un appel urgent à l’action en matière de climat. Leur message collectif est clair : la crise climatique mondiale a atteint un stade critique et nécessite une urgente réponse … | 18 April 2019 | climate justice, earth day, For the Love of Creation | Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ), KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, The Canadian Council of Churches | climate-justice french theme language | climate-justice earth-day for-the-love-of-creation | |
Lettre aux ministres Blair et Hussen : projet de loi d’exécution du budget (projet de loi C-97) | Messieurs les Ministres, La Commission Justice et Paix (CJP) du Conseil canadien des Églises s’inquiète de ce que des changements au système de détermination du statut de réfugié ont été inclus dans le Projet de loi d’exécution du budget (C-97). Il est fondamental pour la CJP que toutes les personnes au Canada qui revendiquent le statut de réfugié bénéficient d’un processus de détermination juste, équitable et respectueux. Depuis plus de trente ans, les membres du … | 15 April 2019 | Bill C-97, refugee determination system, refugee rights | Chair of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Donna Geernaert SC) | french refugees language theme | bill-c-97 refugee-determination-system refugee-rights | |
Letter to Ministers Blair and Hussen: Budget Implementation Bill (Bill C-97) | Dear Ministers: The Commission on Justice and Peace (CJP) of the Canadian Council of Churches expresses its concern that changes to the refugee determination system have been included in the Budget Implementation Bill (Bill C-97). Of primary concern to the CJP is that all persons in Canada claiming refugee status experience a just, fair and respectful determination process in Canada. Members of the Canadian Council of Churches have been involved in sponsoring refugees and advocating … | 15 April 2019 | Bill C-97, refugee determination system, refugee rights | Chair of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Donna Geernaert SC) | english refugees language theme | bill-c-97 refugee-determination-system refugee-rights | |
Healing Poverty: A Reflection from the Commission on Justice and Peace of the Canadian Council of Churches | Poverty has been a focus of the Commission on Justice and Peace of The Canadian Council of Churches for decades. As the Government of Canada consulted on a Canadian Poverty Reduction Strategy, the Commission engaged in its own conversations over several meetings. We now offer this reflection as one way for communities of faith to engage in dialogue and action for a faithful response to overcoming the poverty that is all too widespread in Canada. … | 1 April 2019 | poverty, theological reflection | Commission on Justice and Peace | english-french poverty language theme | poverty theological-reflection | |
Lettre au ministre Hussen : L’Entente entre le Canada et les États-Unis sur les tiers pays sûrs | Monsieur le ministre Hussen, Il y a aujourd’hui des millions de réfugiés dans le monde. Chaque personne déplacée porte une histoire de douleur, de misère et de tristesse; cette souffrance vécue par des millions de personnes est à la fois une tragédie et une crise. Depuis quelque temps, le Canada voit augmenter le nombre de réfugiés en provenance des États-Unis; ils traversent la frontière de manière irrégulière, au risque de leur vie, afin de pouvoir … | 10 February 2017 | refugee rights, Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Karen Hamilton) | french refugees language theme | refugee-rights stca | |
Letter to Minister Hussen: The Canada-US Safe Third Country Agreement | The Honourable Minister Hussen, There are millions of refugees around the world today. Each displaced person has a story of pain, hardship and sadness; and multiplying this suffering by millions is a tragedy and a crisis. Recently, Canada has seen an increase in the number of refugees entering Canada from the United States via irregular and life-threatening border crossings in order to have their claim heard. We are concerned that, due to the Canada – … | 10 February 2017 | refugee rights, Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Karen Hamilton) | english refugees language theme | refugee-rights stca | |
Condolence Letter to Bishop Mina of the Coptic Orthodox Church | Dear Bishop Mina, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It is with very heavy hearts and on behalf of the 25 member denominations of The Canadian Council of Churches that we write to you at this time of profound grief, loss and horror. It was with shock that we heard of the massacre of children, women and men at prayer in St. Peter’s Chapel of St. Mark’s Cathedral in Cairo. It was with shock that the … | 14 December 2016 | Cairo - Egypt, peace and disarmament | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Karen Hamilton), President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Dr. Alyson Barnett-Cowan) | english language | cairo-egypt peace-and-disarmament | |
Peace and Disarmament: Biblical Foundations | The President of The Canadian Council of Churches, the Rev. Dr. Canon Alyson Barnett- Cowan, has articulated the following foundational biblical principles of the Canadian Council of Churches working through Project Ploughshares. The word ‘peace’ appears far more often in the Bible than ‘justice’, ‘righteousness’, ‘grace’ and ‘mercy’. The Bible witnesses to the creation of the world by God who intends that creation reflect the fundamental harmony we call ‘shalom’. We derive our understanding of … | 1 August 2016 | peace and disarmament, right relationships, theological reflection | President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Dr. Alyson Barnett-Cowan) | english peace-and-disarmament language theme | peace-and-disarmament right-relationships theological-reflection | |
Letter to Ministers: Sexual Exploitation and Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls | Re: Sexual Exploitation and Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Dear Ministers, We are writing to commend you on the launch of the National Inquiry and to call your attention to the link between sexual exploitation and missing and murdered indigenous women and girls. We ask that the causes and consequences of gendered, racialized and sexualized violence be examined and included in the National Inquiry. As we highlighted in the letter to Minister Wilson-Raybould … | 31 May 2016 | Indigenous racism, Indigenous reconciliation, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG), sexual exploitation, violence against women | Chair of the Human Trafficking in Canada Working Group (Jennifer Lucking) | english sexual-exploitation language theme | indigenous-racism indigenous-reconciliation mmiwg sexual-exploitation violence-against-women | |
Lettre aux ministres : Exploitation sexuelle et disparition et meurtre de femmes et de filles autochtones | Objet : Exploitation sexuelle et disparition et meurtre de femmes et de filles autochtones Mesdames les Ministres, Permettez-nous de vous féliciter du lancement de votre enquête nationale et d’attirer votre attention sur le lien entre l’exploitation sexuelle et la disparition et le meurtre de femmes et de filles autochtones. Nous demandons que soient examinées et incluses dans l’enquête nationale les causes et les conséquences des actes de violence contre les femmes et les actes de … | 31 May 2016 | Indigenous racism, Indigenous reconciliation, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG), sexual exploitation, violence against women | Chair of the Human Trafficking in Canada Working Group (Jennifer Lucking) | french sexual-exploitation language theme | indigenous-racism indigenous-reconciliation mmiwg sexual-exploitation violence-against-women | |
Lettre au ministre Wilson-Raybould: Loi sur la protection des collectivités et des personnes victimes d’exploitation | Objet : Loi sur la protection des collectivités et des personnes victimes d’exploitation Madame la Ministre, Nous venons réaffirmer notre position sur la Loi sur la protection des collectivités et des personnes victimes d’exploitation (LPCPVE). Le 15 avril 2014, nous écrivions au ministre de la Justice pour lui faire des recommandations quant à la protection des personnes victimes d’exploitation sexuelle commerciale au Canada et aux moyens de protéger les populations vulnérables de toute exploitation future. … | 11 April 2016 | exploited persons, federal poverty reduction plan, poverty, prostitution laws, Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (PCEPA), sexual exploitation, violence against women | Chair of the Human Trafficking in Canada Working Group (Jennifer Lucking) | french sexual-exploitation language theme | exploited-persons federal-poverty-reduction-plan poverty prostitution-laws pcepa sexual-exploitation violence-against-women | |
Letter to Minister Wilson-Raybould: Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act | Re: Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act Dear Minister Wilson-Raybould, We write to you to reaffirm our position on the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (PCEPA). On April 15, 2014 we wrote to the Minister of Justice with recommendations for protecting those who are commercially sexually exploited in Canada and preventing vulnerable populations from future exploitation. We look forward to continuing this conversation with you. Attached please find previous correspondence outlining our … | 11 April 2016 | exploited persons, federal poverty reduction plan, poverty, prostitution laws, Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (PCEPA), sexual exploitation, violence against women | Chair of the Human Trafficking in Canada Working Group (Jennifer Lucking) | english sexual-exploitation language theme | exploited-persons federal-poverty-reduction-plan poverty prostitution-laws pcepa sexual-exploitation violence-against-women | |
Letter to Prime Minister Trudeau: On Promoting Climate Justice and Ending Poverty in Canada | Dear Prime Minister Trudeau, Congratulations on becoming Canada’s 23rd Prime Minister. You may remember meeting with a delegation from The Canadian Council of Churches in May 2014. May you and your ministers govern with wisdom and a commitment to justice and fairness for all. I write to commend to you the attached statement on climate justice and poverty signed and endorsed by the denominational leaders of members of The Canadian Council of Churches – 25 … | 4 November 2015 | climate change, poverty, reconciliation | Canadian church leaders, President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Dr. Alyson Barnett-Cowan) | climate-justice english theme language | climate-change poverty reconciliation | |
Lettre au premier ministre Trudeau : Pour la justice climatique et l’élimination de la pauvreté au Canada | Monsieur le Premier Ministre, Toutes nos félicitations! Vous êtes devenu le 23e premier ministre du Canada. Vous vous souviendrez réunir avec une délégation du Conseil canadien des Églises en mai 2014. Puissiez‐vous et vos ministres gouverner avec sagesse, résolus à accorder à toutes et à tous la justice et l’équité. Je vous écris pour attirer votre attention sur la déclaration ci‐jointe, qui traite de justice climatique et de pauvreté; elle a été signée et appuyée … | 4 November 2015 | climate justice, poverty, reconciliation | Canadian church leaders, President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Dr. Alyson Barnett-Cowan) | climate-justice french theme language | climate-justice poverty reconciliation | |
An Appeal to the leaders and representatives of Indigenous Peoples and faith communities – Storforsen, Sweden | The Storforsen Appeal was composed at a conference hosted in 2015 in Storforsen, Sweden by the Church of Sweden and the Canadian Council of Churches. The appeal, addressed leaders and representatives of Indigenous Peoples and faith communities worldwide, calling on them to urge delegates and leadership attending the Paris Climate Conference take bold action and make brave decisions on climate change. Introduction: Meeting on Sami Territory in Sweden, October 5-8 2015, we – participants attending … | 8 October 2015 | climate change, climate justice, Indigenous worldviews, life in the Arctic | Church of Sweden, The Canadian Council of Churches | climate-justice english theme language | climate-change climate-justice indigenous-worldviews life-in-the-arctic | |
Pour la justice climatique et l’élimination de la pauvreté au Canada Les communautés croyantes au Canada prennent la parole | Introduction Les causes et les effets des changements climatiques mondiaux sont devenus de plus en plus perceptibles. La quantité mesurable du dioxyde de carbone dans l’atmosphère dépasse les 400 parties par million, plus qu’à toute autre époque dans l’histoire de l’humanité. Cette évolution des plus graves est avant tout le fait des êtres humains qui détruisent les forêts et utilisent des combustibles fossiles comme le pétrole et le gaz. Nous voyons s’enchaîner les conséquences de … | 26 September 2015 | climate justice, poverty, reconciliation, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) | Canadian faith leaders | climate-justice french theme language | climate-justice poverty reconciliation sdgs | |
On Promoting Climate Justice and Ending Poverty in Canada: Faith Communities in Canada Speak Out | News release: https://www.councilofchurches.ca/news/faith-climate-justice/ Introduction In our day, the causes and effects of global climate change are becoming more and more visible. The measurable amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has surpassed 400 parts per million, more than at any time in recorded human history. This most serious development is caused mainly by humans removing forests and burning fossil fuels, namely oil and gas. We see the interconnected effects of these unprecedented levels of carbon … | 26 September 2015 | climate justice, poverty, reconciliation, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) | Canadian faith leaders | climate-justice english theme language | climate-justice poverty reconciliation sdgs | |
Federal Election Resource – 2015 | This election resource has been prepared by several ecumenical organizations in Canada to inform and challenge all who are participating in the 2015 federal election. It identifies a range of priority issues, offers sample questions you can ask of candidates, and provides links to resources where you can learn more about these particular issues. We invite you to use this resource to: think through your own election priorities; call a group together to prepare for … | 19 May 2015 | election priorities, federal election guides | Canadian Foodgrains Bank (Jim Cornelius), Citizens for Public Justice (Joe Gunn), Jennifer Henry (KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives), Project Ploughshares (Cesar Jaramillo), The Canadian Council of Churches (Karen Hamilton), Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada (Patricia Burton-Williams) | english elections language theme | election-priorities federal-election-guides | |
Statement: For the Love of God…Therefore Be Generous and Open-Handed | Any one of us might be struggling to make ends meet: overdue on rent payments with eviction notices arriving, overdue bills and credit card payments piling up, struggling to find employment and earned income, held back by health difficulties, not having access to good food choices and having to skip meals. They can all so easily feed a downward spiral and weigh heavy on your spirit. Recent immigrants, lone parent families, aboriginal peoples in Canada, … | 25 November 2014 | child poverty, federal poverty reduction plan, Indigenous reconciliation, poverty | Deputy General Secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches (Peter Noteboom) | english poverty language theme | child-poverty federal-poverty-reduction-plan indigenous-reconciliation poverty | |
Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne: Mémoire du Groupe de travail sur la traite de personnes au Canada | Nous saluons les efforts faits récemment par le ministère de la Justice pour affermir la protection des enfants, des femmes et des hommes du Canada contre la violence et l’exploitation, particulièrement l’exploitation sexuelle, et pour criminaliser quiconque profite des autres et les exploite à son avantage personnel. Nous soutenons les mesures prises par cette proposition législative en vue de définir la prostitution comme une forme de violence à l’endroit des femmes et nous sommes heureux … | 7 July 2014 | gender equality, human trafficking, sexual exploitation | Chair of the Human Trafficking in Canada Working Group (Jennifer Lucking), General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Karen Hamilton) | french sexual-exploitation language theme | gender-equality human-trafficking sexual-exploitation | |
To the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Parliament of Canada: Human Trafficking in Canada Working Group Brief | We welcome the recent efforts of the Department of Justice to strengthen the protection of the rights of children, women, and men to be free from violence and exploitation, specifically sexual exploitation, and to criminalize those who profit from and exploit others for their own benefit. We affirm the steps taken in this proposed legislation towards framing prostitution as a form of violence against women and are encouraged that it does not accept prostitution as … | 7 July 2014 | gender equality, human trafficking, sexual exploitation | Chair of the Human Trafficking in Canada Working Group (Jennifer Lucking), General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Karen Hamilton) | english sexual-exploitation language theme | gender-equality human-trafficking sexual-exploitation | |
Letter to Minister McKay: Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act | Re: Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act Dear Minister MacKay, We are writing to welcome the recent efforts of the Department of Justice to strengthen the protection of the rights of children, women, and men to be free from violence and exploitation, specifically sexual exploitation, and to criminalize those who profit from and exploit others for their own benefit. We affirm the steps your government has taken towards framing prostitution as a form of … | 23 June 2014 | exploited persons, federal poverty reduction plan, Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (PCEPA), sexual exploitation, violence against women | Chair of the Human Trafficking in Canada Working Group (Jennifer Lucking), General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Karen Hamilton) | english sexual-exploitation language theme | exploited-persons federal-poverty-reduction-plan pcepa sexual-exploitation violence-against-women | |
Background Paper: Recommendations for Prostitution Laws in Canada | According to world renowned psychologist and researcher Melissa Farley, “prostitution is multi- traumatic with extremely high rates of physical and sexual violence perpetrated against people who are vulnerable usually as a result of gender, poverty, previous history of sexual assault, marginalization because of race or ethnicity, or a combination of these factors.” Proponents of legalizing prostitution argue that moving the sex trade indoors will provide a system of safety measures for those who consent to … | 15 April 2014 | human trafficking, prostitution laws, violence against women | Chair of the Human Trafficking in Canada Working Group (Jennifer Lucking) | english sexual-exploitation language theme | human-trafficking prostitution-laws violence-against-women | |
Letter to the Minister of Justice the Honourable Peter MacKay- Prostitution Laws in Canada | Since 2008 The Canadian Council of Churches – representing 85% of Christians in Canada through its 25 member churches – has been hosting the Human Trafficking in Canada Working Group. Together we have been educating one another, reflecting on our values and faith commitments, and advocating together to end human trafficking in Canada. Today I am writing to you regarding the development of new prostitution legislation in Canada. The Chair of the Human Trafficking in … | 15 April 2014 | human trafficking, prostitution laws, violence against women | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Karen Hamilton) | english sexual-exploitation language theme | human-trafficking prostitution-laws violence-against-women | |
Letter to Prime Minister Harper: Definition of Charitable Activities | Dear Prime Minister Stephen Harper: Many members of Canada’s Christian churches provide generous support for charities across the country and the Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) appreciates the increased recognition of such donations through the tax system. At the same time, questions have been raised regarding the policy framework used to regulate the charitable sector. In particular church members are concerned about the increasingly narrow interpretation of charitable activity that can exclude organizations who speak … | 10 April 2014 | charitable activities, charitable sector, just policies, sustainable economy | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Karen Hamilton) | english faith-and-sustainable-economy language theme | charitable-activities charitable-sector just-policies sustainable-economy | |
Letter to Minister Ambrose: Canada Health Accord | Dear Minister Ambrose, I am writing to ask about the future of public health care in Canada now that Canada’s Health Accord has not been renewed. The Canadian Council of Churches is the largest ecumenical body in Canada, now representing 25 churches of Anglican, Eastern and Roman Catholic, Evangelical, Free Church, Eastern and Oriental Orthodox, and Historic Protestant traditions; this is 85% of Christians in Canada who profess adherence to a church. The Canadian Council … | 7 April 2014 | Canada Health Accord, health policy, healthcare, public health | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Karen Hamilton) | english healthcare language theme | canada-health-accord health-policy healthcare public-health | |
Expression de réconciliation du Conseil canadien des Églises | Expression de réconciliation du Conseil canadien des Églises à présenter lors du dernier événement national de la Commission de vérité et de réconciliation du Canada à Edmonton, en Alberta, du 27 au 30 mars … | 27 March 2014 | colonialism, Indigenous reconciliation, racism, residential schools | Canadian church leaders, President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Jim Champ) | french reconciliation language theme | colonialism indigenous-reconciliation racism residential-schools | |
Expression of Reconciliation from The Canadian Council of Churches | Expression of Reconciliation from The Canadian Council of Churches to be presented at the final National Event of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada in Edmonton, Alberta – March 27‐30, … | 27 March 2014 | colonialism, Indigenous reconciliation, racism, residential schools | Canadian church leaders, President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Jim Champ) | english reconciliation language theme | colonialism indigenous-reconciliation racism residential-schools | |
Canadian Council of Churches 1944-1997: Indian Residential Schools and First Nations Affairs | Prepared by Kevin Parra Duque Religion in the Public Sphere Service-Learning Internship, University of … | 1 March 2014 | Indigenous racism, Indigenous reconciliation, racial justice | Kevin Parra Duque (University of Toronto) | english reconciliation language theme | indigenous-racism indigenous-reconciliation racial-justice | |
Lettre à la ministre Leona Aglukkaq : Action du Canada sur les changements climatiques | Madame la Ministre, Le Conseil canadien des Églises vous félicite de votre récente nomination au poste de ministre de l’Environnement; nous désirons poursuivre avec vous le dialogue sur les changements climatiques que nous avons eu le plaisir d’amorcer avec votre prédécesseur, l’honorable Peter Kent. Outre nos rencontres avec M. Kent et notre échange de correspondance avec lui, nous avons tiré profit des réunions tenues avec l’ex-conseillère principale en politiques Monica Kugelmass et de nos échanges … | 30 September 2013 | climate justice, renewable energy policy, sustainable economy | Chair of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Joy Kennedy) | climate-justice french theme language | climate-justice renewable-energy-policy sustainable-economy | |
Letter to Minister Leona Aglukkaq: Canada’s Action on Climate Change | Dear Minister Aglukkaq, The Canadian Council of Churches wishes to congratulate you on your recent appointment as Minister of the Environment and we are writing to continue the dialogue on climate change that we have enjoyed with your predecessor, the honourable Peter Kent. Beside the meetings and correspondence with Minister Kent, we have also benefitted from meetings with former Senior Policy Advisor Monica Kugelmass and the helpful exchange we had with Mr. Dan McDougall, Canada’s … | 30 September 2013 | climate justice, renewable energy policy, sustainable economy | Chair of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Joy Kennedy) | climate-justice english theme language | climate-justice renewable-energy-policy sustainable-economy | |
Lettre au Ministre Peter Kent : COP 18 à Doha | Monsieur le Ministre, Nous nous adressons à vous en ce moment où vous vous préparez à la participation du gouvernement fédéral aux réunions de la 18e Conférence des Parties (CdP 18), qui portera sur les questions relevant de la Convention cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques, à Doha, Qatar, du 26 novembre au 7 décembre 2012. Les membres de nos communautés vous sont reconnaissants de vous être donné le temps de ren- contrer … | 21 November 2012 | climate justice, renewable energy policy, United Nations Conference of the Parties (UN COP) | Chair of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Joy Kennedy) | climate-justice french theme language | climate-justice renewable-energy-policy un-cop | |
Letter to Minister Peter Kent: COP 18 in Doha | Dear Minister, We write to you as you prepare for the federal government’s participation in the sessions of the 18th Conference of the Parties (COP18) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Doha, Qatar, from November 26 to December 7, 2012. Members of our communities appreciated the time you took to visit with then Moderator Mardi Tindal (United Church of Canada), General Secretary Willard Metzger (Mennonite Church Canada) and myself, Joy Kennedy, … | 21 November 2012 | climate justice, renewable energy policy, United Nations Conference of the Parties (UN COP) | Chair of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Joy Kennedy) | climate-justice english theme language | climate-justice renewable-energy-policy un-cop | |
Lettre au premier ministre Harper : Appel interconfessionnel au leadership et à l’action sur les changements climatiques | Monsieur le Premier ministre, Permettez-moi de signaler à votre attention un remarquable effort collaboratif interreligieux portant sur le climat. Forts des relations et de l’expérience que leurs a acquises pendant l’organisation d’un sommet des dirigeants religieux en 2010 à l’occasion des réunions du G8 au Canada, des communautés de foi du Canada se sont rassemblées pour réfléchir sur les racines spirituelles du défi actuel de la justice climatique. Après de longues consultations et réunions, ces … | 16 November 2011 | climate justice, interfaith community, sustainable economy | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Karen Hamilton) | climate-justice french theme language | climate-justice interfaith-community sustainable-economy | |
Letter to Prime Minister Harper: Interfaith Call to Leadership and Action on Climate Change | Dear Prime Minister Harper, I am writing to call your attention to a remarkable Canadian Interfaith collaborative effort on climate. Drawing on the relationships and experience of organizing a Religious Leaders’ Summit in 2010 on the occasion of the G8 meetings in Canada, faith communities have come together to reflect on the spiritual roots of the current challenge of climate justice. After extensive consultations and meetings, Canadian faith communities have signed a Canadian Interfaith Call … | 16 November 2011 | climate justice, interfaith community, sustainable economy | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Karen Hamilton) | climate-justice english theme language | climate-justice interfaith-community sustainable-economy | |
Canadian Interfaith Call for Leadership and Action on Climate Change | Climate change: the spiritual roots of a crisis We, representatives of Canadian faith communities, are united in our conviction that the growing crisis of climate change needs to be met by solutions that draw upon the moral and spiritual resources of the world’s religious traditions. We recognize that at its root the unprecedented human contribution to climate change is symptomatic of a spiritual deficit: excessive self-interest, destructive competition, and greed have given rise to unsustainable … | 25 October 2011 | climate justice, interfaith community, sustainable economy | Canadian faith leaders | climate-justice english theme language | climate-justice interfaith-community sustainable-economy | |
Un Appel interreligieux canadien au leadership et à l’action pour la justice climatique | Le changement climatique : racines spirituelles d’une crise Nous, représentants des communautés religieuses canadiennes, reconnaissons unanimement qu’on pourrait réagir à la crise croissante du changement climatique au moyen de solutions inspirées des ressources morales et spirituelles des traditions religieuses du monde. Nous reconnaissons qu’à sa racine même, cette contribution humaine à un changement climatique sans précédent est symptomatique d’une déficience spirituelle : recherche de l’intérêt personnel, compétition destructrice et cupidité ont donné naissance à des … | 25 October 2011 | climate justice, interfaith community, sustainable economy | Canadian faith leaders | climate-justice french theme language | climate-justice interfaith-community sustainable-economy | |
Press Release: Churches Name Election Priorities, Urge Leaders to Act | Media Alert: Churches Name Election Priorities, Urge Leaders to Act The Canadian Council of Churches issued a letter Friday naming their priority election issues. The Council wants strong commitments from federal leaders on anti‐poverty and climate change strategies, as well as serious attention to non‐military efforts in Afghanistan and global nuclear disarmament. For the full eight‐point letter to the political party leaders from the Council please see the attached document. The letter asks for responses … | 1 April 2011 | election priorities, federal election, political party leaders | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Karen Hamilton) | english elections language theme | election-priorities federal-election political-party-leaders | |
Letter to Political Party Leaders: Canadian Council of Churches’ Election Priorities | Political Party Leaders: In view of the current federal election campaign, I would like to take this opportunity to put before you the top priorities of The Canadian Council of Churches. The member churches of the CCC would appreciate receiving a response from each of you on what actions your political party will take on these issues in the next Parliament. You will also see that The Canadian Council of Churches now works in concert … | 31 March 2011 | election priorities, federal election, political party leaders | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Karen Hamilton) | english elections language theme | election-priorities federal-election political-party-leaders | |
Interfaith Declaration: A Time for Inspired Leadership and Action | Together as people of faith, informed by our respective traditions, and compelled by our sincerely held beliefs to care for those in need within our communities and across this nation, we recognize this time to be a unique moment and opportunity in Canada for cooperative action to eradicate persistent poverty in our wealthy and wonderful … | 8 March 2011 | federal poverty reduction plan, poverty | Canadian Interfaith Delegation - World Religions Summit 2010, Dignity for All, Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, The Canadian Council of Churches | english poverty language theme | federal-poverty-reduction-plan poverty | |
Communiqué de presse: La Chambre des communes rate d’une décennie l’échéance de la fin de la pauvreté infantile : les Églises passent aux actes | Le mardi 24 novembre marquera le 20e anniversaire de la résolution, adoptée à l’unanimité par le Parlement en 1989, d’éradiquer la pauvreté infantile avant l’année 2000. Une décennie plus tard et au 20e anniversaire de la Convention de l’ONU relative aux droits de l’enfant, le Conseil canadien des Églises accorde son appui formel à la campagne Dignité pour tous pour l’éradication de la pauvreté au Canada. Pour signifier votre appui, signez à www.dignityforall.ca. View English … | 1 January 2011 | child poverty, Dignity for All, poverty | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Karen Hamilton) | french poverty language theme | child-poverty dignity-for-all poverty | |
Press Release: House of Commons Misses Child Poverty Deadline by a Decade— Churches Act | On Tuesday, November 24, the House of Commons will mark the 20th anniversary of a unanimous 1989 resolution by Parliament to eradicate child poverty by the year 2000. Now, a decade later and on the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child, The Canadian Council of Churches formally endorses the Dignity for All campaign for a poverty free Canada. To indicate your support, sign on at … | 1 January 2011 | child poverty, Dignity for All, poverty | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Karen Hamilton) | english poverty language theme | child-poverty dignity-for-all poverty | |
Letter to Churches in the USA | Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, Aware of the current passionate debates concerning health care reform in the U.S.A., I write to you today to share some of our experiences and reflections in similar debates that have taken place, and continue to take place, in Canada. While we have been following the American health care debate with interest, our hope is that our own work on the topic might be of some service to you. … | 10 August 2009 | health covenant, health policy, healthcare, public health | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Karen Hamilton) | english healthcare language theme | health-covenant health-policy healthcare public-health | |
Note d’information: Contribution fédérale à la réduction de la pauvreté au Canada | Contribution fédérale à la réduction de la pauvreté au Canada Le Comité permanent des ressources humaines, du développement des compétences, du développement social et de la condition des personnes handicapées 11 h 00 – 12 h 30, le premier juin 2009 Hôtel Radisson Admiral, salle de bal Admiral (3eétage), 249 Queen’s Quay Ouest, … | 1 June 2009 | child poverty, housing, Indigenous reconciliation, poverty | Associate Secretary of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Peter Noteboom), Eco-Justice Network Coordinator of the Anglican Church of Canada (Maylanne Maybee) | french poverty language theme | child-poverty housing indigenous-reconciliation poverty | |
Brief: The Federal Contribution to Reducing Poverty in Canada | The Federal Contribution to Reducing Poverty in Canada The Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons Disabilities 11:00 – 12:30 on June 1, 2009 Radisson Admiral Hotel, Admiral Ballroom (3rd Floor), 249 Queen’s Quay West, … | 1 June 2009 | child poverty, housing, Indigenous reconciliation, poverty | Associate Secretary of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Peter Noteboom), Eco-Justice Network Coordinator of the Anglican Church of Canada (Maylanne Maybee) | english poverty language theme | child-poverty housing indigenous-reconciliation poverty | |
Exploring Human Trafficking: Backgrounder | Human Trafficking Definition (United Nations –Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking UN.GIFT) “Trafficking in persons” shall mean the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having … | 1 May 2009 | human trafficking, sexual exploitation, violence against women | Commission on Justice and Peace, Human Trafficking in Canada Working Group | english sexual-exploitation language theme | human-trafficking sexual-exploitation violence-against-women | |
Communiqué : La décision de la Cour suprême concernant l’Entente sur les tiers pays sûrs déplorée | 5 février 2009 – La décision de la Cour suprême du Canada de ne pas accorder l’autorisation dans le cas de la contestation de l’Entente sur les tiers pays sûrs entre le Canada et les États-Unis a été déplorée aujourd’hui par le Conseil canadien pour les réfugiés, Amnesty International et le Conseil canadien des Églises. « Cette décision signifie que les réfugiés ne pourront pas se faire entendre par un tribunal » a dit Elizabeth … | 5 February 2009 | refugee rights, Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) | Amnesty International, Canadian Council for Refugees, The Canadian Council of Churches | french refugees language theme | refugee-rights stca | |
Media Release: Supreme Court Denial of Leave on Safe Third Regretted | SUPREME COURT DENIAL OF LEAVE ON SAFE THIRD REGRETTED The decision of the Supreme Court of Canada not to grant leave in the case challenging the Canada- U.S. Safe Third Country Agreement was met with regret today by the Canadian Council for Refugees, Amnesty International and the Canadian Council of Churches. “This decision means that refugees will not have their day in court,” said Elizabeth McWeeny, CCR President. “The US is not in fact safe … | 5 February 2009 | refugee rights, Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) | Amnesty International, Canadian Council for Refugees, The Canadian Council of Churches | english refugees language theme | refugee-rights stca | |
(French) Media Release: Nous croyons que Dieu veut la paix sur leurs terres comme sur les nôtres | Le Rapport Manley manque malheureusement l’occasion de guider le Canada vers un rôle vraiment constructif dans l’établissement d’une paix durable en Afghanistan. Le groupe d’experts indépendant sur le rôle futur du Canada en Afghanistan, connu sous le nom de commission Manley, reconnaît que le rôle du Canada dans la lutte contre les insurgés est essentiel à la sécurité mondiale et canadienne. Il recommande que conformément à cette approche, on ajoute tout d’abord aux forces canadiennes … | 24 January 2008 | Afghanistan, peace and disarmament, The Manley Report, war on terror | Executive Director of Project Ploughshares (John Siebert), General Secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches (Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton) | french peace-and-disarmament language theme | afghanistan peace-and-disarmament the-manley-report war-on-terror | |
Media Release: We Believe God Desires Peace in their Land as in Ours | We Believe God Desires Peace in their Land as in Ours The Manley Report, sadly, has missed the opportunity to guide Canada towards a truly constructive role in securing a long term sustainable peace in Afghanistan. The Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan, known as the Manley Panel, accepts the premise that Canada’s role in counter-insurgency combat is key to global and Canadian security. They recommend that this approach be sustained in Kandahar … | 24 January 2008 | Afghanistan, peace and disarmament, The Manley Report, war on terror | Executive Director of Project Ploughshares (John Siebert), General Secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches (Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton) | english peace-and-disarmament language theme | afghanistan peace-and-disarmament the-manley-report war-on-terror | |
Communiqué : La Cour fédérale condamne l’Entente sur les tiers pays sûrs | Le Conseil canadien pour les réfugiés, le Conseil canadien des églises, Amnistie internationale Canada et John Doe saluent la décision de la Cour fédérale prise le 29 novembre 2007 à l’effet que l’Entente sur les tiers pays sûrs entre le Canada et les É.-U. violent les droits des réfugiés. L’Entente sur les tiers pays sûrs a comme conséquence de fermer la frontière à la majorité des demandeurs d’asile qui ont traversé les États-Unis en route … | 30 November 2007 | refugee rights, Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) | Amnesty International, Canadian Council for Refugees, The Canadian Council of Churches | french refugees language theme | refugee-rights stca | |
Media Release: Safe Third Country Decision Welcomed by Rights Organizations | The Canadian Council for Refugees, the Canadian Council of Churches, Amnesty International and John Doe welcome the November 29 Federal Court ruling concluding that the December 2004 Safe Third Country Agreement between Canada and the USA violates refugee rights. The Safe Third Country Agreement effectively closed the border to the majority of refugee claimants who came through the United States on their way to making refugee claims in Canada. Turned away by Canada, these individuals … | 30 November 2007 | refugee rights, Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) | Amnesty International, Canadian Council for Refugees, The Canadian Council of Churches | english refugees language theme | refugee-rights stca | |
Lettre au premier ministre Stephen Harper: Élimination de la pauvreté au Canada | En tant que dirigeants nationaux d’Églises canadiennes et membres du Conseil canadien des Églises, nous venons demander à notre gouvernement de prendre sans tarder les mesures nécessaires pour élaborer et mettre en oeuvre une stratégie … | 26 November 2007 | federal poverty reduction plan, poverty | Canadian church leaders | french poverty language theme | federal-poverty-reduction-plan poverty | |
Letter to the Prime Minister Stephen Harper: Ending Poverty in Canada | As nations leaders of Canadian churches and members of the Canadian Council of Churches, we call on our government to take immediate steps to develop and implement a national poverty reduction … | 26 November 2007 | federal poverty reduction plan, poverty | Canadian church leaders | english poverty language theme | federal-poverty-reduction-plan poverty | |
Lettre au premier ministre Harper : l’établissement de relations commerciales équitables pour tous | Monsieur le Premier ministre, Nous sommes des représentants d’Églises du Canada et membres de la MESA, une coalition regroupant des organismes religieux du Canada, des États-Unis et du Mexique qui oeuvrent pour un commerce équitable. Nous vous adressons cette lettre à la veille de votre rencontre au sommet, ce mois-ci, avec les présidents Bush et Calderón dans le but de vous encourager à promouvoir des relations de commerce équitables. Nous nous réjouissons que votre gouvernement … | 14 August 2007 | just policies, just trade, Movement for Economic Solidarity in the Americas (MESA), North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), sustainable economy | Chair of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Michael Hogeterp), The Anglican Church of Canada (Maylanne Maybee), The Presbyterian Church in Canada (Stephen Allen), The United Church of Canada (Nelson Rosales) | faith-and-sustainable-economy french theme language | just-policies just-trade mesa nafta sustainable-economy | |
Letter to Prime Minister Harper: Work for Just Trade Relations for All | Dear Prime Minister Harper, We are representatives of Canada’s churches, and members of MESA, a tri-national coalition of religious organizations from Canada, the United States and Mexico working for just trade. We write you in advance of your summit with Presidents Bush and Calderón this August to urge you to use this opportunity to promote just trade relationships. We welcome the renewed commitment that your government has made to strengthening ties with our continental neighbours. … | 14 August 2007 | just policies, just trade, Movement for Economic Solidarity in the Americas (MESA), North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), sustainable economy | Chair of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Michael Hogeterp), The Anglican Church of Canada (Maylanne Maybee), The Presbyterian Church in Canada (Stephen Allen), The United Church of Canada (Nelson Rosales) | english faith-and-sustainable-economy language theme | just-policies just-trade mesa nafta sustainable-economy | |
Letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper: Vision to Action— A Faith-Based Movement for a Canada Without Poverty | As faith-based organizations cooperating in working to reduce poverty in Canada, we are writing to request a meeting with you to encourage the Conservative Party to commit to the development and implementation of a poverty reduction strategy in your platform for the next federal … | 30 May 2007 | child poverty, federal poverty reduction plan, poverty | Campaign Against Child Poverty, Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ), Commission on Justice and Peace, Faith and the Common Good, KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, Street Level: National Roundtable on Poverty and Homelessness | english poverty language theme | child-poverty federal-poverty-reduction-plan poverty | |
Letter to Prime Minister Harper: Global AIDS Pandemic | Dear Prime Minister Harper: In a letter addressed to you earlier this year on May 8, the national leaders of the Canadian Council of Churches expressed their concern about the human impact of the global AIDS pandemic, and urged you to announce several initiatives when the government addressed the UN General Assembly, the G8 Summit and the International AIDS Conference. While we were disappointed that you decided not to attend the Toronto Conference, we were … | 25 October 2006 | acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) epidemic, health policy, healthcare, public health | President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Rev. Dr James Christie) | english healthcare language theme | aids-epidemic health-policy healthcare public-health | |
Lettre au Premier ministre Harper: la pandémie mondiale du sida | Monsieur le Premier ministre: Dans une lettre qu’ils vous adressaient le 8 mai dernier, les dirigeants nationaux du Conseil canadien des Églises exprimaient leurs inquiétudes au sujet de l’impact humain de la pandémie mondiale du sida et vous demandaient instamment d’annoncer plusieurs initiatives lors de l’intervention du gouvernement à l’assemblée générale des Nations Unies, au Sommet du G8 et à la Conférence internationale sur le sida. Tout en étant déçus de votre décision de ne … | 19 October 2006 | acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) epidemic, health policy, healthcare, public health | President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Rev. Dr James Christie) | french healthcare language theme | aids-epidemic health-policy healthcare public-health | |
Letter to Prime Minister Harper: Followup to May 8th | Dear Prime Minister, I am writing to follow-up on our May 8 church leaders’ letter to you on the subject of HIV/AIDS. Thank you for referring our letter to the Minister for International Cooperation. At a recent meeting of the Governing Board of the Canadian Council of Churches, member churches resolved to strengthen their own commitment to addressing the AIDS pandemic. Please find a copy of our resolution attached. In relation to the points made … | 28 June 2006 | health policy, healthcare, HIV/AIDS, public health | President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Rev. Dr James Christie) | english healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare hiv-aids public-health | |
Letter to Minister Clement: Health Care Services | Dear Minister Clement, We bring warm greetings to you on behalf of the Ecumenical Health Care Network. Churches have historically played a role in providing health care and members of the Ecumenical Health Care Network continue to be involved in health care. The Ecumenical Health Care Network also contributes to public policy discussions about health care. We have submitted briefs to The Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science, and Technology and to the Royal … | 30 May 2006 | health policy, healthcare, public health | Co-Chair of the Ecumenical Health Care Network (Jim Marshall), Co-chair of the Ecumenical Health Care Network (Linda Nichols) | english healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare public-health | |
Letter to Governor General Jean: HIV AIDS Pandemic | Excellency: Attached, please find a copy of a recent letter from the Canadian Council of Churches addressed to Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Since this letter represents the combined wisdom of the member churches of the Canadian Council of Churches we thought the content of the letter, responding to the HIV AIDS pandemic, might interest you. The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) is the largest ecumenical body in Canada, now representing 20 churches of Anglican, Eastern … | 30 May 2006 | health policy, healthcare, HIV/AIDS, public health | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Karen Hamilton) | english healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare hiv-aids public-health | |
Media Release: Church Leaders Urge Prime Minister Harper to Demonstrate Leadership on the HIV and AIDS Crisis | In a letter to the Prime Minister sent this week, Canadian church leaders listed six Canadian initiatives that would make a substantial difference in the HIV and AIDS crisis. These included debt cancellation, untying debt remission from conditions that diminish the provision of health care, a 5% contribution to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis, and changes to Canada’s pharmaceutical laws. Canada has three important opportunities to demonstrate leadership on the HIV … | 11 May 2006 | health policy, healthcare, HIV/AIDS, public health | Associate Secretary of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Peter Noteboom) | english healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare hiv-aids public-health | |
Lettre au premier ministre Harper: VIH/SIDA | Monsieur le Premier ministre, En tant que dirigeants nationaux d’Églises canadiennes et membres du Conseil canadien des Églises, nous sommes extrêmement préoccupés par l’impact humain de la pandémie du SIDA. Plus de 40 millions de personnes sont actuellement infectées par le VIH, tandis que l’an dernier, le SIDA faisait plus de 3 millions de victimes. Quinze millions d’enfants sont orphelins à cause du SIDA. Voilà des statistiques qui illustrent de façon éloquente le coût humain … | 8 May 2006 | health policy, healthcare, HIV/AIDS, public health | Canadian church leaders | french healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare hiv-aids public-health | |
Letter to Prime Minister Harper: HIV/AIDS | Dear Prime Minister Harper: As national leaders of Canadian Churches and members of the Canadian Council of Churches, we are extremely concerned about the human impact of the global AIDS pandemic. Currently more than 40 million people are infected with HIV. Last year, over 3 million people died as a result of AIDS. There are 15 million child orphans because of AIDS. These statistics speak powerfully to the human cost. Our first response to the … | 8 May 2006 | health policy, healthcare, HIV/AIDS, public health | Canadian church leaders | english healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare hiv-aids public-health | |
Lettre au premier ministre Harper : Renouvellement des soins de santé | Monsieur le Premier ministre, Nous constatons avec inquiétude que, presque un mois après que le gouvernement de l’Alberta a annoncé sa proposition en 10 points de « Renouvellement des soins de santé », votre gouvernement n’a pas encore exprimé sans équivoque son intention de défendre et de faire respecter la Loi canadienne sur la santé. Une des propositions de renouvellement permettrait aux médecins de travailler en même temps dans les systèmes de santé public et … | 31 March 2006 | health policy, healthcare, public health | Co-Chair of the Ecumenical Health Care Network (Jim Marshall), Co-chair of the Ecumenical Health Care Network (Linda Nichols) | french healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare public-health | |
Letter to Prime Minister Harper: Health Care Renewal | Dear Prime Minister Harper, We are very concerned that almost one month after the Government of Alberta announced its 10 point proposal for “Health Care Renewal” your government has not stated unequivocally your intention to defend and enforce the Canada Health Act. One of the Alberta proposals for renewal would allow physicians to work in both the public and private health care systems at the same time. This would clearly be a violation of the … | 31 March 2006 | health policy, healthcare, public health | Co-Chair of the Ecumenical Health Care Network (Jim Marshall), Co-chair of the Ecumenical Health Care Network (Linda Nichols) | english healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare public-health | |
Health Care for All: A Public Good, Not a Private Benefit | “If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.” 1 Corinthians 12: 12-26 Ecumenical Health Care Network The Ecumenical Health Care Network (EHCN) is a coalition that reflects the perspective of many Churches in Canada in relation to health care. We are part of the Canadian Council of Churches as representatives from the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Salvation Army and United Church of Canada. … | 1 December 2005 | health policy, healthcare, Medicare, public health | The Ecumenical Health Care Network of The Canadian Council of Churches | english healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare medicare public-health | |
A Health Covenant: Fact Sheets on Key Health Care Issues | The “Moral Enterprise” of Health Care Demands a Covenant The first of 47 recommendations made in the final report of the Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (released on November 28, 2002) urged the federal government to “…establish a new Canadian Health Covenant as a tangible statement of Canadians’ values and a guiding force for our publicly funded health care system.” Notably, this was also the major recommendation made by the Ecumenical … | 1 March 2005 | health covenant, health policy, healthcare, public health | The Ecumenical Health Care Network of The Canadian Council of Churches | english healthcare language theme | health-covenant health-policy healthcare public-health | |
The Health Council of Canada: Fact Sheets on Key Health Care Issues | The need for accountability and transparency The creation of an independent council to inform Canadians on health care matters while promoting accountability and transparency was among the central recommendations of the Romanow Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (November 2002). In September of 2003 the Health Council of Canada was established by the Prime Minister and the Premiers in their Accord on Health Care Renewal. Its role was enhanced in the Ten … | 1 March 2005 | health council of Canada, health policy, healthcare, public health | The Ecumenical Health Care Network of The Canadian Council of Churches | english healthcare language theme | health-council-of-canada health-policy healthcare public-health | |
Home Care: Fact Sheets on Key Health Care Issues | In its submission to the Romanow Commission, the Ecumenical Health Care Network noted that an increasing number of Canadians are now receiving care at home, and called for the creation of a national home care program. In his final report, Mr. Romanow recommended that the needs of people receiving care in the home be recognized by creating the foundation for a national home care system, beginning with: support for home mental health case manage- ment … | 1 March 2005 | health policy, healthcare, home care, public health | The Ecumenical Health Care Network of The Canadian Council of Churches | english healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare home-care public-health | |
Health Care Funding: Fact Sheets on Key Health Care Issues | A need for long term stability and predictability Funding issues have dominated discussions of health care for some time. Leading up to the publishing of the Romanow report, there were loud and persistent claims about the doubtful sustainability of medicare, about more private funding being desirable, and about the need for more money to the provinces from the federal government. Where are we … | 1 March 2005 | health policy, healthcare, healthcare funding, public health | The Ecumenical Health Care Network of The Canadian Council of Churches | english healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare healthcare-funding public-health | |
For-Profit Health Care: Fact Sheets on Key Health Care Issues | For-profit health care delivery threatens to undermine Medicare In his final report, Building on Values: The Future of Health Care in Canada, delivered to Parliament in November 2002, Commissioner Roy Romanow was very clear in rejecting for-profit delivery of health care. The Commission states that “direct health care services should be delivered in public and not-for-profit health care facilities.” In rejecting privatization or a for-profit model of sustaining the health care system, Romanow reiterated the … | 1 March 2005 | for-profit healthcare, health policy, healthcare, public health | The Ecumenical Health Care Network of The Canadian Council of Churches | english healthcare language theme | for-profit-healthcare health-policy healthcare public-health | |
Les soins de santé à but lucratif : Feuilles d’information sur les grandes questions de soins de santé | La prestation de soins de santé à but lucratif menace de saper l’assurance-maladie Dans son rapport final, Guidé par nos valeurs : Les soins de santé au Canada, présenté au Parlement le 28 novembre 2002, le commissaire Roy Romanow rejette très nettement la prestation de soins de santé à but lucratif. La Commission déclare que « les services directs devraient être dispensés principalement par notre système public sans but lucratif. » En rejetant la privatisation … | 1 March 2005 | for-profit healthcare, health policy, healthcare, public health | The Ecumenical Health Care Network of The Canadian Council of Churches | french healthcare language theme | for-profit-healthcare health-policy healthcare public-health | |
Un pacte sur les soins de santé : Feuilles d’information sur les grandes questions de soins de santé | « L’ entreprise morale » des soins de santé exige une alliance :es 47 premières recommandations du rapport de la Commission sur l’avenir des soins de santé au Canada (publié le 28 novembre 2002) pressaient le gouvernement fédéral « d’établir un nouveau Pacte canadien sur la santé qui serait l’énoncé concret des valeurs des Canadiens et le principe directeur de notre système de santé financé par l’État. » Signalons qu’il s’agissait de la principale recommandation … | 1 March 2005 | health covenant, health policy, healthcare, public health | The Ecumenical Health Care Network of The Canadian Council of Churches | french healthcare language theme | health-covenant health-policy healthcare public-health | |
Soins à domicile: Feuilles d’information sur les grandes questions de soins de santé | Dans son mémoire à la Commission Romanow, le Réseau œcuménique sur les soins de santé, faisant observer que de plus en plus de Canadiens et Canadiennes reçoivent des services à domicile, réclamait la création d’un programme national de soins à domicile qui commenceraient par : l’aide aux services de gestion et d’intervention à domicile; les soins post-aigus à domicile; les soins palliatifs à domicile, car « tout Canadien devrait avoir le choix de mourir chez … | 1 March 2005 | health policy, healthcare, home care, public health | The Ecumenical Health Care Network of The Canadian Council of Churches | french healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare home-care public-health | |
Médicaments d’ordonnance : Feuilles d’information sur les grandes questions de soins de santé | Intégration des médica- ments d’ordonnance dans le système de soins de santé du Canada Dans son mémoire à la Commission Romanow, De Réseau œcuménique sur les soins de santé recommandait que les médicaments d’ordonnance soient reconnus comme une composante entièrement financée de l’assurance- maladie. La Commission relève les disparités considérables, au Canada, dans le remboursement des coûts élevés des médicaments d’ordonnance. En première réaction au problème, M. Romanow recommande la création d’un Transfert au titre … | 1 March 2005 | health policy, healthcare, prescription drugs, public health | The Ecumenical Health Care Network of The Canadian Council of Churches | french healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare prescription-drugs public-health | |
Financement des soins de santé : Feuilles d’information sur les grandes questions de soins de santé | Un besoin de stabilité et de prévisibilité à long terme Les questions de financement dominent depuis quelque temps les discussions entourant les soins de santé. La publication du rapport Romanow a été précédée de vifs échanges sur la viabilité douteuse de l’assurance-maladie, sur l’opportunité de faire une plus grande place au financement privé et sur le besoin des provinces de recevoir plus d’argent du gouvernement. Où en … | 1 March 2005 | health policy, healthcare, healthcare funding, public health | The Ecumenical Health Care Network of The Canadian Council of Churches | french healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare healthcare-funding public-health | |
Un Conseil national de la santé : Feuilles d’information sur les grandes questions de soins de santé | Pour répondre à l’exigence de responsabilité et de transparence Lors d’audiences tenues à travers le pays, la Commission sur l’avenir des soins de santé au Canada s’est fait constamment répéter que les conflits et la méfiance entre gouvernements étaient devenus de graves obstacles au fonctionnement souple et à la pérennité de l’assurance-maladie. La Commission a réagi en recommandant de créer un conseil national de la santé chargé de faciliter la coopération et d’assumer un leadership … | 1 March 2005 | health council of Canada, health policy, healthcare, public health | The Ecumenical Health Care Network of The Canadian Council of Churches | french healthcare language theme | health-council-of-canada health-policy healthcare public-health | |
Prescription Drugs: Fact Sheets on Key Health Care Issues | Integrating prescription drugs into Canada’s health care system In its submission to the Romanow Commission in May 2002, the Ecumenical Health Care Network recommended that prescription drugs be included as a fully funded component of medicare. The Commission noted the wide disparities across Canada in coverage for the high cost of prescription drugs. As an initial response to this problem, Mr. Romanow has recommended the creation of a Catastrophic Drug Transfer. Under this proposed new … | 1 March 2005 | health policy, healthcare, prescription drugs, public health | The Ecumenical Health Care Network of The Canadian Council of Churches | english healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare prescription-drugs public-health | |
Why Christians Should Stay Involved in Canada’s Health Care Debate | The Challenge It’s not exactly a neglected topic, is it? Health care in Canada is the subject of more federal-provincial conferences, more newspaper ink, more political campaign threats and promises, and more media noise than any other issue of public policy. It’s easy to provide frightening statistics about what health care costs in Canada. In provincial and territorial budgets, health care trumps every other public expenditure, sometimes consuming close to 50% of programme costs1. Through … | 1 January 2005 | health policy, healthcare, public health | Janet Somerville | english healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare public-health | |
Letter to the Prime Minister Paul Martin: End Child Poverty in Canada | I write to you today on an important anniversary. Fifteen years ago the House of Commons unanimously voted to end child poverty in Canada, and to do so by the year 2000. Today however more than one million children, or one in every six children in our country, live in a low-income family. This failure to adequately address child poverty weighs heavily upon many Canadians: for the sake of our children, we can and must … | 24 November 2004 | child poverty, poverty | Chairperson of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Stephen Allen) | english poverty language theme | child-poverty poverty | |
Letter to Prime Minister Martin: the Future of Health Care in Canada | Dear Mr. Prime Minister: Accompanying our best wishes, we wish to send our sincere congratulations, as you became Prime Minister of Canada last month. This great responsibility brings with it the possibility of achieving tremendous good for Canadians and many other persons around the world. We pray that God’s blessings are with you as you assume this demanding new role. As leaders of Canada’s major Christian Churches, we write to you today concerning one of … | 30 January 2004 | health covenant, health policy, healthcare, public health | Canadian church leaders | english healthcare language theme | health-covenant health-policy healthcare public-health | |
Lettre au premier ministre Martin: l’avenir des soins de santé au Canada | Cher Monsieur le Premier ministre, Alors que vous assumez maintenant la charge de Premier ministre du Canada, nous désirons vous exprimer, en même temps que nos vœux de Bonne Année, nos plus sincères félicitations. Votre grande responsabilité comporte aussi la possibilité de réaliser un bien immense pour la population du Canada et pour de nombreuses personnes dans le monde. Nous prions Dieu de vous accorder sa bénédiction au moment où vous prenez sur vos épaules … | 30 January 2004 | health covenant, health policy, healthcare, public health | Canadian church leaders | french healthcare language theme | health-covenant health-policy healthcare public-health | |
¿Qué espera Dios de Nosotros? Declaración para un Comercio Justo al Servicio de una Economía de la Vida | PREÁMBULO Esta declaración es producto de una consulta celebrada los días 11-14 de enero de 2004 en Stony Point, Nueva York, Estados Unidos. Nos reunimos como pueblo de Dios proveniente de nuestras iglesias en Canadá, Estados Unidos y México, además de otras regiones del mundo. Reconocemos que nuestros países desempeñan un papel distinto en el contexto de la actual globalización, en términos de poder económico, político y militar. A Dios gracias en Cristo Jesús que … | 1 January 2004 | debt cancellation, economy of life, just trade, sustainable economy | Commission on Justice and Peace | faith-and-sustainable-economy spanish theme language | debt-cancellation economy-of-life just-trade sustainable-economy | |
Qu’est-ce que Dieu demande de nous? Pour un commerce équitable au service d’une économie de la vie | PRÉAMBULE La présente déclaration fait suite à une consultation tenue du 11 au 14 janvier 2004 à Stony Point, New York, USA. Nous y étions réunis en tant que créatures de Dieu venues d’Églises du Canada, des États-Unis, du Mexique et d’autres régions du monde. Nous reconnaissons que nos pays respectifs jouent des rôles différents dans le contexte mondial actuel en fonction de leur puissance économique, politique et militaire. C’est par la grâce de Dieu … | 1 January 2004 | debt cancellation, economy of life, just trade, sustainable economy | Commission on Justice and Peace | faith-and-sustainable-economy french theme language | debt-cancellation economy-of-life just-trade sustainable-economy | |
What Does God Require of Us?: A Declaration for Just Trade in the Service of An Economy Of Life | PREAMBLE This declaration is the result of a consultation held on January 11 – 14, 2004 in Stony Point, New York, USA. We gathered as people of God coming from churches in Canada, the United States and Mexico and also from other regions of the world. We recognize that the countries we come from play different roles in the present global context in terms of their economic, political and military power. By God’s grace in … | 1 January 2004 | debt cancellation, economy of life, just trade, sustainable economy | Commission on Justice and Peace | english faith-and-sustainable-economy language theme | debt-cancellation economy-of-life just-trade sustainable-economy | |
Lettre contre l’antisémitisme adressée par des dirigeants d’Églises aux Églises du Canada | Lettre contre l’antisémitisme adressée par des dirigeants d’Églises aux Églises du Canada, à la communauté juive du Canada et à toutes les personnes de bonne … | 5 December 2003 | antisemitism, interfaith relations, racism | Canadian church leaders | french racism language theme | antisemitism interfaith-relations racism | |
Church Leaders’ Letter: Antisemitism | A church leaders’ letter against antisemitism to the churches of Canada, the Jewish community in Canada, and to all people of good … | 5 December 2003 | antisemitism, interfaith relations, racism | Canadian church leaders | english racism language theme | antisemitism interfaith-relations racism | |
A Brief to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: Aboriginal Children and Youth – Urgent Needs and Unmet Obligations | The Ad Hoc Coalition on the Rights of Aboriginal Children in Canada On the release of Canada’s Second Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC), and in anticipation of the CRC’s review of Canada’s compliance to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, two national ecumenical coalitions joined with two regional and one national Aboriginal organization to form the Ad Hoc Coalition on the Rights of Aboriginal Children … | 1 September 2003 | Indigenous children’s rights, Indigenous racism, Indigenous reconciliation | First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada, KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, Southern Chiefs’ Organization (Manitoba), The Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nation Chiefs, The Commission on Justice and Peace | english reconciliation language theme | indigenous-childrens-rights indigenous-racism indigenous-reconciliation | |
Letter to Prime Minister Chrétien: Health Council | Dear Prime Minister Chrétien, We are writing to congratulate you and the First Ministers for having established, through the Health Accord, common ground on which to revive and expand this country’s public health care system. During the course of the Romanow Commission’s public consultations, our Ecumenical Health Care Network presented a brief at the Ottawa hearings, with a Health Care Covenant for all People in Canada at the heart of our presentation. We were pleased … | 16 May 2003 | health council of Canada, health covenant, health policy, healthcare, public health | General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches (Karen Hamilton) | english healthcare language theme | health-council-of-canada health-covenant health-policy healthcare public-health | |
Letter to Minister Graham: Foreign Policy Dialogue | Dear Minister Graham, I am pleased to contribute to this foreign policy dialogue on behalf of the Commission on Justice and Peace of the Canadian Council of Churches. Canadian churches have, in many ways, a unique perspective on questions related to foreign policy. Our sister churches around the world inform us of the effects Canadian policies have on their lives. Canadian churches support a variety of initiatives and programs to learn, assist and accompany our … | 30 April 2003 | foreign policy, peace and disarmament, peacebuilding, sustainable economy | Chairperson of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Stephen Allen) | english peace-and-disarmament language theme | foreign-policy peace-and-disarmament peacebuilding sustainable-economy | |
Letter to Minister Pettigrew: Free Trade Agreements with Andean Countries | Dear Minister Pettigrew, I write in response to your request for advice and views on the agreement between Canada and the Andean countries to begin exploratory discussions towards a proposed free trade agreement. I also note that the Government of Canada has agreed to commence similar talks towards a separate agreement with the Dominican Republic. The discussion is important to us because Canadian churches maintain many long-standing relationships with partners and civil society movements in … | 20 December 2002 | Dominican Republic, just free trade, sustainable economy | President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Rev. André Vallée) | english faith-and-sustainable-economy language theme | dominican-republic just-free-trade sustainable-economy | |
Letter to Prime Minister Chrétien: Strengthening Canada’s Health Care System | Dear Prime Minister Chrétien: Encouraged by your recent Speech from the Throne, “The Canada We Want” in which you outline the plans for your government in the next few years, I am writing to request an appointment for a delegation of church leaders to meet with you regarding the future of health care in Canada. Safeguarding the well being of people by addressing their needs – particularly of poor children and health care services for … | 31 October 2002 | health covenant, health policy, healthcare, public health | President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Rev. André Vallée) | english healthcare language theme | health-covenant health-policy healthcare public-health | |
Letter to Minister McLellan: future of health care in Canada | Dear Minister McLellan, I am writing to you on behalf of the Ecumenical Health Care Network, an initiative of the Canadian Council of Churches’ Commission on Justice and Peace. Members of our Commission take a deep interest in the current discussions about the future of health care in Canada. Many of our members and affiliated organizations are involved in the provision of health care services. We are also actively participating in public discussions about preserving … | 24 October 2002 | health covenant, health policy, healthcare, public health | Chairperson of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Stephen Allen) | english healthcare language theme | health-covenant health-policy healthcare public-health | |
8) Letter to Prime Minister Chrétien: World Summit on Sustainable Development | Dear Mr. Prime Minister, We are writing to you on the topic of the World Summit on Sustainable Development. In 1992 and in 1997 we called on the Canadian government to support measures that meet the criteria of providing for flourishing, sustainable communities for all who live in this earth. Today, we repeat both our call for sustainability and sufficiency for all, and our witness to increasing ecological destruction, ever-greater inequality and indebtedness, and a … | 25 August 2002 | sustainable community, sustainable economy, World Summit on Sustainable Development | Chairperson of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Stephen Allen) | english faith-and-sustainable-economy language theme | sustainable-community sustainable-economy world-summit-on-sustainable-development | |
Lettre au premier ministre Chrétien : Un cadre pour des communautés durables | Monsieur le Premier ministre, Les Églises du Canada ont participé à un bon nombre des sommets qui, sous l’égide des Nations unies, s’efforcent de définir l’avenir de la communauté mondiale. Le Sommet mondial sur le développement durable offre un moment idéal pour exprimer nos préoccupations au sujet de la voie intenable dans laquelle s’est engagée la communauté mondiale. On ne peut tout simplement pas maintenir le fardeau excessif imposé aux forêts, aux océans, aux rivières, … | 16 August 2002 | global community, sustainable community, sustainable economy | Chairperson of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Stephen Allen) | faith-and-sustainable-economy french theme language | global-community sustainable-community sustainable-economy | |
Letter to Prime Minister Chrétien: A Framework for Sustainable Communities | Dear Mr. Prime Minister, The Canadian churches have participated in many of the United Nations’ sponsored summits that attempt to define the future of the global community. The World Summit on Sustainable Development provides a key moment to express concern regarding the unsustainable path on which the global community is proceeding. The excessive strain being placed on the world’s forests, oceans, rivers, mountains, wildlife and other life support systems cannot be maintained. The values that … | 16 August 2002 | global community, sustainable community, sustainable economy | Chairperson of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Stephen Allen), Executive Director of KAIROS (Patricia Steenberg) | english faith-and-sustainable-economy language theme | global-community sustainable-community sustainable-economy | |
Présentation du Réseau œcuménique sur les soins de santé à la Commission sur l’avenir des soins de santé au Canada | Le Réseau œcuménique sur les soins de santé est un projet de la Commission Justice et Paix du Conseil canadien des Églises. Il est formé de représentants de la Conférence des évêques catholiques du Canada, de l’Église anglicane du Canada, de l’Église évangélique luthérienne du Canada, de l’Église presbytérienne du Canada, de l’Église unie du Canada, de l’Association catholique canadienne de la santé et de Kairos : Initiatives canadiennes œcuméniques pour la justice. Dans une … | 28 May 2002 | health policy, healthcare, public health, social determinants of health | The Ecumenical Health Care Network of The Canadian Council of Churches | french healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare public-health social-determinants-of-health | |
Submission of the Ecumenical Health Care Network To The Commission on the Future of Health Care In Canada | The Ecumenical Health Care Network is a project of the Commission for Justice and Peace of the Canadian Council of Churches. The Network includes representatives from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Anglican Church of Canada, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, the Presbyterian Church in Canada, the United Church of Canada, the Canadian Catholic Health Association, and Kairos: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives. In May of 2000, in a letter to then Health Minister … | 28 May 2002 | health policy, healthcare, public health, social determinants of health | The Ecumenical Health Care Network of The Canadian Council of Churches | english healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare public-health social-determinants-of-health | |
Charter and Covenant: The Churches and the Struggle for Public Health Care in Canada | Churches have been involved in the provision of health care services in Canada since the mid 17th century. In terms of health care institutions, the Augustines Hospitalières founded the Hôtel-Dieu de Québec in 1639. Many other religious groups comprised especially of religious women and Christian laypersons have been in the forefront of every effort against disease that this country has known. What explains such active involvement in health care? The main reason for this commitment … | 1 April 2002 | health policy, healthcare, human rights, public health | Joe Gunn | english healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare human-rights public-health | |
A Health Care Covenant for All People in Canada | A Health Care Covenant For All People in Canada Through government, we in Canada pledge to: Universal Access, Comprehensiveness and Portability • provide access to comprehensive health care services for individuals, families and communities that places the priority on the worth and dignity of the whole person and their biological, emotional, physical, environmental, social and spiritual needs wherever they may be in Canada; Social Solidarity and Justice • uphold a health care system through which … | 1 April 2002 | health policy, healthcare, human rights, public health | The Ecumenical Health Care Network of The Canadian Council of Churches | english healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare human-rights public-health | |
Des soins se santé pour tous au Canada : Rapport faisant suite au forum du Réseau œcuménique sur les soins de santé portant sur l’avenir des soins de santé au Canada | Sommaire du rapport Le 28 février dernier, le Réseau œcuménique sur les soins de santé tenait, sur la Colline parlementaire, un forum extraordinaire sur l’avenir des soins de santé au Canada. Y ont participé une bonne centaine de dirigeants religieux, de fournisseurs et de professionnels des soins de santé, ainsi que des politiciens et des représentants d’organismes reliés au monde communautaire et à celui du travail. Le Forum s’est concentré sur les visions et les … | 28 February 2002 | Canada Health Act, health policy, healthcare, public health | The Ecumenical Health Care Network of The Canadian Council of Churches | french healthcare language theme | canada-health-act health-policy healthcare public-health | |
Health Care for all People in Canada: Report on the Ecumenical Health Care Network’s Forum on the Future of Health Care in Canada | Executive Summary The Ecumenical Health Care Network convened a special Forum on the Future of Health Care in Canada on Parliament Hill on February 28, 2002. Over 100 religious leaders, church based health care providers and professionals, as well as politicians and representatives from community and labour organizations attended. The Forum focused on the values and visions for the future of health care. Participants agreed Canada’s system needs to be preserved and strengthened based upon … | 28 February 2002 | Canada Health Act, health policy, healthcare, public health | The Ecumenical Health Care Network of The Canadian Council of Churches | english healthcare language theme | canada-health-act health-policy healthcare public-health | |
Mémoire soumis au Comité des Affaires sociales, sciences et technologie | Introduction J’apprécie l’occasion qui m’est offerte de commenter, au nom du Réseau œcuménique sur les soins de santé de la Commission Justice et Paix du Conseil canadien des Églises, certaines des options proposées par le présent Comité sénatorial dans Volume quatre 4, questions et options. Les Églises du Canada ont toujours contribué à l’élaboration du système de soins de santé financé et administré par l’État, en tant que pourvoyeuses de services (hôpitaux religieux, foyers pour … | 29 October 2001 | health policy, healthcare, public health, social determinants of health | The Ecumenical Health Care Network of The Canadian Council of Churches | french healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare public-health social-determinants-of-health | |
Submission To The Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology | Introduction On behalf of the Ecumenical Health Care Network of the Canadian Council of Churches’ Commission on Justice and Peace, I appreciate this opportunity to comment on some of the Options being suggested by this Senate Committee in Volume 4, Issues & Options. Historically, Canadian churches have contributed to the development of Canada’s publicly funded and administered health care system, as service providers (eg. religious hospitals, homes for the chronically ill and aged, programs for … | 29 October 2001 | health policy, healthcare, public health, social determinants of health | The Ecumenical Health Care Network of The Canadian Council of Churches | english healthcare language theme | health-policy healthcare public-health social-determinants-of-health | |
Letter to Members of Parliament: Canada’s Response to Terrorism – An Ecumenical Appeal to Parliament | Dear Member of Parliament, We are writing with regard to the forthcoming Parliamentary debate concerning appropriate Canadian and international responses to the heinous September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States. You and your colleagues in the House of Commons bear the formidable responsibility of guiding our country’s actions in these critical days. We write to support you in those responsibilities and to ask you to consider the following concerns. We believe that a sustained … | 12 October 2001 | Afghanistan, peace and disarmament, September 11, terrorism | Canadian church leaders | english peace-and-disarmament language theme | afghanistan peace-and-disarmament september-11 terrorism | |
Letter to Minister Manley: Human Rights and Foreign Trade | Dear Mr. Manley, I am writing to follow-up on your meeting with representatives of the Canadian Council of Churches on July 4, 2001 and propose a new meeting in November 2001. In our letter of July 13 thanking you for making time for the meeting and begin a face-to- face acquaintance with the inter-church human rights network, Janet Somerville promised that I would be in touch with you to suggest new dates for a next … | 1 October 2001 | human rights, just trade, peace and disarmament, September 11 | Associate Secretary of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Peter Noteboom) | english peace-and-disarmament language theme | human-rights just-trade peace-and-disarmament september-11 | |
Letter to Prime Minister Chrétien: Canada’s Response to September 11 | Dear Prime Minister, First of all we join you, as do all our fellow citizens, in expressing profound sorrow and compassion for all those who died and those who now suffer as a result of the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States. As representatives of a very broad Christian ecumenical community we join with Muslims, Jews, Hindus and many other faith communities who have condemned these acts of terror, confident in the knowledge … | 21 September 2001 | peace and disarmament, September 11, terrorism | Chair of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Rev. Dr. David Pfrimmer), Director of Project Ploughshares (Ernie Regehr), General Secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches (Janet Somerville), President of the Canadian Council of Churches (Most Rev. André Vallée) | english peace-and-disarmament language theme | peace-and-disarmament september-11 terrorism | |
Message from Canadian Church Leaders: Call for Actions in Response to September 11 | To the members of our churches after the tragedy in the United States: Grace to you and peace from our Lord Jesus Christ! We write to you as leaders of Canadian Churches to express our deep compassion for all those who have suffered in the terrorist attacks in the United States. We are part of a common family in which the suffering of so many has affected us all. Throughout the world people of all … | 21 September 2001 | peace and disarmament, September 11, terrorism | Canadian church leaders | english peace-and-disarmament language theme | peace-and-disarmament september-11 terrorism | |
(French) Message from Canadian Church Leaders: Call for Actions in Response to September 11 | Aux membres de nos Églises, à la suite de la tragédie survenue aux États-Unis : Grâce et paix de la part de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ! Nous venons, en tant que dirigeants des Églises du Canada, exprimer notre profonde compassion envers tous ceux et celles qui ont souffert des attaques terroristes dirigées contre les États-Unis. Nous appartenons à une commune famille dont les souffrances de tant de membres nous ont affectés tous. Des personnes de toutes … | 21 September 2001 | peace and disarmament, September 11, terrorism | Canadian church leaders | french peace-and-disarmament language theme | peace-and-disarmament september-11 terrorism | |
Letter to the General Secretary of the United Nations: Financing for Development (FDD) | Your Excellency, With hopes and expectations grounded in years of participation in United Nations summits—and rooted before that in the good earth of Christian social ethics—we write as representatives of the Canadian Council of Churches to express several convictions about the Financing for Development (FFD) process. The thinking in this letter is in continuity with work we have done in co-preparing a background report with the World Council of Churches. We have expressed some of … | 27 April 2001 | debt cancellation, Financing for Development (FFD), just trade, poverty, structural inequities, sustainable economy | Janet Somerville (General Secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches), President of The Canadian Council of Churches (Rev. André Vallée) | english faith-and-sustainable-economy language theme | debt-cancellation financing-for-development-ffd just-trade poverty structural-inequities sustainable-economy | |
Carta dos Líderes da Igreja Canadense: a Cúpula das Américas | Excelentíssimos Chefes de Estado e Governo, Caros irmaõs e irmãs da Cimeira das Américas, Como representantes das igrejas do país anfitrião desta Cimeira, calorosamente damo- vos as boasvindas. Igualmente oramos para que as discuções sejam productivas e clarividentes. Tal como milhares dos nossos concidadãos, nós estamos seguros de que, os resultados das vossas discussões terão consequências significantes na vida nas nações americanas. Aproveitamos esta oportunidade para expremir-mos a nossa apreciação pela organização da Cimeira do … | 9 April 2001 | just free trade, Summit of the Americas, sustainable economy | Canadian church leaders | faith-and-sustainable-economy portuguese theme language | just-free-trade summit-of-the-americas sustainable-economy | |
Carta de los líderes de la iglesia canadiense: la Cumbre de las Américas | Señores Jefes de Estado y Gobierno, y a todos los hermanos y hermanas en la Cumbre de las Américas: Como representantes de las iglesias del país anfitrión de esta Cumbre, nos unimos en darles la bienvenida y orar por que sus discusiones se vean iluminadas. Junto con millones de nuestros conciudadanos, estamos conscientes de que sus decisiones tendrán importantes consecuencias para la vida en las Américas. Damos también la bienvenida a los participantes en la … | 9 April 2001 | just free trade, Summit of the Americas, sustainable economy | Canadian church leaders | faith-and-sustainable-economy spanish theme language | just-free-trade summit-of-the-americas sustainable-economy | |
Lettre des dirigeants d’Églises canadiennes : le Sommet des Amériques | Messieurs les chefs d’État et de gouvernement, Chers frères et sœurs présents au Sommet des Amériques, À titre de représentants des Églises du pays hôte du présent Sommet, nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue et prions pour que vos discussions soient éclairées. Tout comme des millions de nos concitoyens, nous savons à quel point ces discussions peuvent influer sur la vie dans les Amériques. Nous souhaitons également la bienvenue aux hommes et aux femmes qui participent … | 9 April 2001 | just free trade, Summit of the Americas, sustainable economy | Canadian church leaders | faith-and-sustainable-economy french theme language | just-free-trade summit-of-the-americas sustainable-economy | |
Letter from Canadian Church Leaders: the Summit of the Americas | Dear Heads of State and Government, and all brothers and sisters at the Summit of the Americas, As representatives of churches from the host country of this Summit, we join in welcoming you and in praying for light on your discussions. With millions of our fellow citizens, we are aware that your decisions will have important consequences for life in the Americas. We welcome also the participants in the Peoples’ Summit and similar alternative events. … | 9 April 2001 | just free trade, Summit of the Americas, sustainable economy | Canadian church leaders | english faith-and-sustainable-economy language theme | just-free-trade summit-of-the-americas sustainable-economy | |
Call to Reflection: Aboriginal Land Rights – A Jubilee Challenge Facing Canada | In Canada, one particular area in our national life cries out for healing and transformation: now is the time for a change inthe relationship between the majority society and Aboriginal … | 25 September 2000 | Indigenous land claims, Indigenous racism, Indigenous reconciliation, racial justice | Associate Secretary of the Commission on Justice and Peace (Peter Noteboom), Chair of the Commission on Justice and Peace (David Pfrimmer) | english reconciliation language theme | indigenous-land-claims indigenous-racism indigenous-reconciliation racial-justice | |
Letter from Canadian Church Leaders: Right Relationship with Aboriginal Peoples | As we turn our hearts to God in the first year of a new century, as we seek to listen with our hearts to what God is saying in our time and place, we are promised a word — even a world — of peace. It is a glorious promise, challenging us to hope (all our hope, indeed, rests on God’s covenant promise to be faithful to us); and it is set free by our … | 25 September 2000 | Indigenous racism, Indigenous reconciliation, racial justice | Canadian church leaders | english reconciliation language theme | indigenous-racism indigenous-reconciliation racial-justice |